12| Crazy

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Chapter 12: Crazy (River's POV)

My eyes trailed down, looking at the heating pad. "Oh, that's why you're acting crazier today. I really chose a bad day to propose, didn't I?" 

She nodded, staring at me. She took in a sharp breath, her cramps probably kicking in all over again. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, sounding a little worried if I dare say that. I didn't like that. 

She put her right arm over her eyes, grinding her teeth, trying not to make a sound. But it's really hurting a lot, I can tell. "Holy shit," she winced, grabbing my hand without thinking about it twice. 

"Why don't you take the painkiller in advance? You know this by now," I mumbled, opening her nightstand and taking out the painkillers she normally takes on her period. 

"I don't want the painkiller," she grumbled, squeezing my hand harder. "Ow!" she cried, her entire body tensing up. 

"Shut up and take it." 

She pulled her arm down, sitting up just enough to take the painkiller before drinking water. 

I tossed the pill bottle back in her drawer, pushing it shut. "You really are crazy. You don't wait for the pain to kick in every time, do you?" 

"The painkillers are for emergencies only. When it's too much," she scoffed. 

I rolled my eyes. "Please," I snorted. "You don't need to act tough right now, okay?" 

"No? Then what do I need to do?" she smirked. 


"Oh, look. The fiance in you is kicking in," she chuckled, digging her knees into my lower back. 

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. 

She put her arm back over her eyes, waiting for the pain to subside. My eyes fell to our hands that were still locked since she was tightly clutching mine. "Ah, ah, ah," she mumbled, digging her nails into my palm. 

I didn't say anything, even when she went harder and it started to hurt. After a few minutes, her grip started to loosen and she rolled onto her side, keeping her eyes closed. And about fifteen minutes later, she was asleep. I pulled the blanket over her before pulling my hand out of hers, staring at my palm which had marks from her nails digging in. "I'm marrying a psychopath," I sighed to myself before drawing her curtains and then leaving, quietly closing the door behind me. I went downstairs, saying bye to Ms. Jenny and bowing my head at Mrs. Willow. 

I was nearly at their front door when he called my name. "River." 

I stopped and let out a sigh before turning on my heels. 

"What brings you here?" he asked, putting down a glass on the nearest table. That can't be apple juice now, can it? 

He lies about only drinking on weekends? Seriously? 

"It's apple juice." 

I looked back at him. I let out a laugh. "Okay, whatever you say." 

"I asked what brings you here," he said, walking over. 

"I came to propose to your daughter," I answered, tucking my hands into my pockets so I don't act on the overwhelming urge that I get to punch him. It's just a natural thing now. 

"And how did that go?" 

"Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you be asking her?" I lifted a brow at him. 

"Goodness me, you never give me a straight answer. Even as a child, you never did." He rolled his eyes, pressing down on his temple and then pinching the bridge of his nose. I looked back to that glass. He's definitely drinking. 

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