21| Hate

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Chapter 21: Hate (Brielle's POV)

I sat on the barstool in the kitchen, munching on strawberries. "Should I just run?" I asked both Ms. Jenny and Mr. Garry. 

"No," they said in sync while reorganizing the cabinets. 

"Should I kill him?" 


"Then what do I do?" I whined, putting my arms on the counter and then putting my head down. "I hate him so much. I thought I didn't anymore. I don't want to, but I do," I groaned. 

"Why don't you talk to him?" Ms. Jenny said for the billionth time. 

"Why would that help?" I asked. 

"Because he doesn't hate you," Mr. Garry said. 

"How do you know?" 

"I just do. I think the right thing would be to talk to him," he nodded. 

"Now, so we can finish work here," Ms. Jenny mumbled. "Off you go then." 

I sighed, leaving the empty bowl in the sink and heading upstairs to the room. I don't know if he's still in the room or if he went to work. I'll just wait until he comes back up to the room. 


So, not only did I not do anything when he came back to the room, but we've even had dinner, we've even gotten ready for bed and I still haven't said anything. We actually haven't talked since then. 

Shouldn't he be the one to talk and apologize first? I didn't even do anything wrong. I don't think I did. Either way, now we're both just lying in the dark. I know he isn't asleep because he sighs every few minutes and shuffles around. Like he is right now. He huffed, rolling onto his back. 

"Why do you keep moving around? It's annoying," I said, staring at the ceiling. The blinds are half-open so there is a little moonlight coming in with the lamps from outside. 

"Why aren't you talking to me?" he asked, rolling onto his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows. 

"Because you acted like a complete idiot today and still haven't apologized," I replied. 

"How did I act like a complete idiot? My reaction was exactly what it should have been," he scoffed. 

"And how is that?" I looked at him. 

"I reacted how any fiance would when he finds out about his soon-to-be wife's ex-boyfriend." 

"You say that like he's still a part of my life. I haven't even seen him or spoken to him since graduation," I argued. 

"You slept with him!" 

"So? You slept with someone too for your first time who wasn't me, how come I'm not reacting like you?" 

"It's different." 

"Why? Because I'm a girl?" 

"No, because you're you!" 

"So? It's not like you wanted my first time to be with you. You wouldn't unless you liked me and you said you didn't. You say you never have." 

"I haven't!" 

"Then stop freaking out about me not being a virgin before our wedding!" I kicked his leg, pushing him further away from me. "You know both people are supposed to save themself for marriage, not just the girl." 

"This has nothing to do with you being the girl, okay?" 

"Yes, it does. Unless you're just as angry about the fact that you didn't save yourself for me. Are you?" 

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