chap.5Parental love at his fullest

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Hashirama smiled as he watched his son cuddle up Shira in his arms and giggling happily as he chased her around crawling and giggling. The tiger cub loved playing with the Senju heir. Mito was watching and loved how happy her son was. After a while she stood up walking towards her little bundle of joy and crouched down and opened her arms as she urged for him to come to her. Naruto immediately forgot all about the tiger cub and began to crawl happily to his mommy. She opened her arms again and he started crawling to her. She stepped back a few steps giggling as Naruto sat down puffing his cheeks making him look all the more adorable. Kakashi sat to the side as he watched the mother-son duo playing. He saw Lady Mito teasing the boy and laughed as he saw Naruto puffing his cheeks at her teasing.

He saw that he never cried no matter how much she teased him the most that she could get out of him was puffing of his cheeks. Opening her arms again and saw Naruto put his hands to the ground and stood up with shaking legs as he took a step towards her and her eyes widened. Hashirama smiled as he got to his feet and got out the camera as he saw Naruto take his first step. Mito's eyes watered as she saw him take his first step and she saw him take another and saw he was watching her sadly and was confused but urged for him to come to her. "Come on Naru-chan just a bit more. Come to Kaa-chan." She said through a sob.

Naruto took five steps and stumbled as she grabbed her in his arms before he fell down and saw him gazing at her curiously. He put his little hand on her cheek and wiped the tear away.

"Oh god Naru-chan you walked so far on your first time. Oh my boy I love you so much." She whispered and he snuggled in her arms making her smile. She gazed into his eyes that always drew her to him as she kissed him on the nose as he scrunched his face a bit and she giggled. "Oh you're Kaa-Chan's adorable little boy now aren't you Naru-chan, aren't you?" she cooed and kissed him as he giggled.

"Momma happy" Naruto cooed.

Mito gasped "Ooooh Naruto you said your first word."

"Mommy love you"

Mito squealed as she hugged him tightly. "Oooooh Naruto I'm so proud of you. Oooooh I'm so so proud!" She cried.

Hashirama sweatdropped "geezer dramatic much Mito chan?"

"Shut up Hashirama" Mito shouted making her husband hold up his hands in defense.

"Oh you hurt me hime." He laughed. "Besides i got a little present for Naruto. Shizune helped me pick it out." he asked and pulled out a small wrapped bundle and handed it to her as she saw was a little nine tailed fox pajamas with some stuffed animals.

"Ooooh Naruto look" Mito said showing Naruto his presents.

Naruto cooed and reached into the box and pulled out a big tiger plush. He giggled happily and cuddled it. Mito smiled as she picked him up and headed to the porch for a drink with her husband. They had hot chocolate and enjoyed the serene silence until an Anbu appeared.

"Lord Hashirama, Jiraiya was spotted outside of the main gate. He's demanding to see the Hokage and to check up on Naruto."

"Kakashi come with me" Hashirama snarled standing up. "Its time we greet Jiraiya but I can't reveal myself yet so"

Hashirama henged into a young man in his late 20s with short brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a traditional black silk kimono with a white sash across his waist.

"Hai Hokage sama" Kakashi said following him.

Mito clutched her baby to her chest protectively as she growled at the mention of Jiraiya. There was no way that she was going to allow that toad sage anywhere near her baby.

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