chap.21 academy and letting go

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"Why do the goddesses torment me with such irresponsible, blatant, and useless shinobi." Hashirama asked irritably, tearing into Minato and Kushina for their failure to protect his seedling.

"Hashirama please..." Minato said, trying to reason with him.

"Be silent!" Hashirama commanded making the man flinch. "I gave you both a simple assignment, to keep track of the Kumo ambassador, and your incompetence had nearly cost me the life of my only son!. Has my teachings from the past taught you nothing."

"You mustn't be hard on yourself, Lord Hashirama you were an excellent teacher." Hiruzen praised.

"It's not your fault they were incompetent " Danzo added.

"Hashirama sama, please there is no excuse for what we did." Kushina answered with a firm tone in her voice. "We know we were responsible for Naruto."

"hmph responsible." Hashirama scoffed. "Do you know the meaning of that word Kushina?"

"Yes, I understand." Kushina assured him.

"Then do you understand the destiny that my sapling has set for him by the heavens above? That my son will lead the world into a paradise that not even I myself couldnt achieve."

The Hokage gazed upon the picture of Naruto on his desk. His warm, smile showing off the raidence of innocence which saddens him as that would soon fade once blood is spilt by his hand.

"One failure to save Naruto, doesn't show weakness in our capabilities." Minato retorted getting fed up. "You should know that!"

"BUT ONE WEAK LINK CAN BREAK THE ROOTS OF A MIGHTY GENERATION!" Hashirama roared turning to face Minato.

Mito placed her hand on Hashirama's shoulder and gazed down at Minato's lowered head. Hashirama sighed before raising his hand to dismiss them.

"You have my leave to go, you're both demoted to chunin for your failure." Hashirama groaned giving his final word on the subject.

"Hokage sama" Kushina tried to get a say in before Mito held up her hand to silence her.

Kushina turned around and headed out the door muttering to herself all kinds of complaints. Minato soon left after her not wanting to cause anymore trouble then they already have.

"Love." Mito consoled him.

"I shouldnt have sent those two imbeciles when i should have sent Orochimaru, Naruto's godfather to do the job instead." Hashirama said lost in his own shame for failing to put better protection for the boy.

"You're right you shouldnt." Mito scolded him before softening. "But that doesnt make you any lesser of a leader." Her husband turned around to meet her gaze. "demoting them to chunin isnt enough."

"What would you have me do?" he asked before Mito whispering something in his ear.

Scene change

Walking down the hall Minato noticed his wife leaning against the wall. She looked troubled from the look of it, he guessed she was taken this harder than he was. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. Kushina laid her head against his chest.

"Minato kun, this can't go on." Kushina said softly.

"what are you talking about Kushi chan?" Minato asked, confused at this.

"Naruto, we can't keep doing this Minato. I think its time we let him go."

Minato's eyes widen at his wife's declaration, she was always spouting about getting Naruto back. To hold her baby again and have him call her mom. What changed? what could have forced her to come to this conclusion?.

Naruto senju| of the hidden leafKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat