chap.15 namikaze return

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It was a few months later since the whole Kushina incident as we find Naruto Senju on his favorite swing under the big tree outside of thr academy. He loved that spot so much, it was where he and his mother use to have their picnics. Naruto was as happy as a 6 years old can be and he was excited about beginning the academy. Normally the academy for students begins when your eight but Hashirama wanted the children to be better prepared for the cold life of a shinobi. The students would then graduate at 13 as always but this new change was good especially for the non shinobi clan born students.

Naruto was happily swinging while reading his favorite story. Kurama was on his left side sleeping in the shade in his fox form. He was the size of adult version of Akamaru. The fox was released from the seal a few months ago with the help of Madara and Mito herself. The process was painful but worth the wait. The fox was still bound to the seal though via soul link that connected the two of them together. The fox now turned over on his back rubbing around against the grass trying to get into a good sleeping position. Naruto laughed as he closed his book and jumped off the swing. Walking over Naruto knelt down and began scratching Kurama's belly. He was shocked when he noticed his tails were waving. Did Kurama like his belly scratched ha who knew. Grumbling and opening his eyes he noticed the gaki scratching his belly. He quickly moved onto his belly and looked at the boy.

"Gaki why were you rubbing my belly?" Kurama asked.

"Sorry Kura nii San but you were on your back in your sleep and I thought you wanted one. Plus your tails were wagging." Naruto smiled innocently.

Kurama sweat dropped hearing that. He wasn't some puppy that craved attention from his owner. But still he had to admit it did feel nice and he and Naruto did get along. Sighing he told Naruto that he can give him belly rubs but only in private since he didn't want word getting out that the greatest tail beasts in the world likes belly rubs. The blonde gaki nodded his head in agreement. Naruto turned around and leaned back to snuggle into his side.

"This kid has really grown on me" Kyuubi chuckled as he wrapped his tails around the boy.

"All tired out is he?" A voice spoke.

Kurama turned to see Hashirama. The fox looked back at the Gaki and nodded his head.

"Out like a light. Though I thought Uzumakis and Senjus had amazing stamina and energy to stay up for hours."

"Well that's true but not everyone is gifted with that" Hashirama laughed as he knelt down and ran his hand through his sons hair. "So how are you enjoying your freedom Kurama?"

"Not complaining. Although I enjoy the sweet fresh air and wind against my face. I don't enjoy the looks from certain people that I've been receiving. I have no quarrel with the mortals that hate me. But I am concerned about the brats well fare."

"How so?" The Hokage asked.

"even if 98% of the village accepts me and Naruto as a jinchuuriki. The other 2% though small can still pose a threat to the boy. Even if he's your son that alone won't stop them. People have betrayed the village for less."

"But they know your close and protective of the boy. They wouldn't risk angering you."

"like I said Hashirama even the most stupidest of men would take risk if meant ridding the village of Naruto." Kyuubi answered coldly.

Hashirama knew that no matter what the era, conflict will always happen. He knew first hand how jinchuuriki were treated but he believed his village to be different. But even that is wishful thinking, yes 98% love Naruto and accepted Kurama but the last 2% still fear for their lives. Fear is natural he knows that and humans fear what they don't understand. But even still anyone who threatens or harms his son be it friend, ally, enemy, or family he will never forgive them and will put an end to them.

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