chap.14 kushinas hellish nightmare

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Pain, thats right pain was the main thing that occupied Minato's thoughts as he lay in a disjointed haze of pain on one of the emergency room tables. A small army of doctors and nurses were currently working over him in a fevered swarm of barely controlled chaos - pushing, prodding, sticking him with needles and tubes, calling for blood and more units of drugs he had never heard of before or could ever hope to understand how they were suppose to drive back the encroaching rush of blood or patch the gapping slash across his stomach that was steadily draining him of life.

It looked like Minato was attacked by a savage beast. But that was quickly debunked as the slashes were infused with some sort of dark energy. It felt cold with a smell of death. Apparently what they didn't know was that Shinigami might have gone over board after she removed the Hirashin and 60 percent of his chakra. They didn't know it was the death goddess and it was better that way. To piss off one of the trio sisters was a death sentence.

Minato grunted as he felt every poke, prod, etc as they were desperately trying to stabilize him and keep him alive. How did things get this bad? Why was the goddess punishing him for trying to save the world? Why risk everything because of the sake of a single boy? Why?. These thoughts went through his mind as he just laid there.

One medi-nin moved forward to press a square of gauze to his shredded stomach. As she leaned back again to give one of the doctors access to the seeping wound. He saw that her latex-gloved hand was now painted a disturbingly vivid shade of red all the way up to her wrist.

That was the second major thing to register in his fading conscious. He supposed it was only natural seeing as how they'd stripped him of all his clothes from the waist up after Jiraiya had carried him through the emergency room doors screaming for help.

Tsunade his mother was using most of her chakra to prevent the dark plasmic like energy from reaching any of the internal organs basically the heart. She was also overlooking the nurses who were able to extract the plasmic fluid via hose into a container. The plasmic was like a black liquid with purple energy waves. Once fully extracted they started to get him prep for surgery.

On the far side of the room over the tops of his toes, Minato could just make out a set of double doors with large glass windows. On the other side of the glass, standing outside in the hallway looking in, were his wife and son along with his sensei.

The red-haired kunoichi stood with her face almost pressed right up against the glass, desperately watching the knot of medi-nin working over him. Her eyes were bloodshot and red, her cheeks wet and streaked with uncontrolled tears. She was shaking violently, the back of one hand pressed against her lips as if struggling to hold in her ragged sobs. She stared at him through the window with watery green eyes as if silently begging him to somehow pull through.

Off to her side, standing slightly back from the door more near the middle of the hall, his son Menma looked on in blank could see the worried expression on his face. Menma was greatly concerned for him and his well-being. His son looked up to him and he was afraid that he wasn't going to survive.

Jiraiya was most concerned for his student. He was the son that old toad never had. He took pride in his student and his accomplishments. He felt like a proud father when he first met and trained him. But seeing him in critical condition and not knowing who attacked him. The sanin vowed for vengege against the one who attacked his surrogate son.

"Blood pressure seventy over fifty-five and dropping!" a nurse standing near Minato's head called out.

"Dammit!" the doctor on his left shouted again and hurriedly grabbed another unidentifiable medical instrument from one of the nurses and leaned back down over his shredded abdomen. His hands and the lower portion of his forearms were completely covered with blood and clotted gore.

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