chap.19 brotherly bonding

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Menma headed towards the door and gripped the handle when he heard a voice telling him to stop. He slowly turned his head to see Naruto turning his head towards him. He could see a smile upon his fare, gentle face. His eyes were showing amounts of kindness with no amount of disdain and anger like he did the last time they met. Releasing the handle Menma walked towards the bed. His brother slowly sat up grunting a bit.

"I knew you could hear me" Menma chuckled. "Like I said before, I'm sorry that I lost control of the ninetails. I don't know what went wrong."

"Didn't your parents ever train you to control it?" Naruto asked. "Surely with Kushina being a former jinchuuriki. You would have been trained to control it"

Menma felt a little embarrassed but he had to agree with Naruto. He wasn't trained in the basics of controlling a tailed beast's chakra yet. What's the point of having a jinchuuriki if they can't even control their power.

"No I haven't reached that level of training yet. My parents taught me the basics first before moving on to Ninjutsu and other stuff. I mastered low rank jutsus and I was good in taijutsu. My Fuinjutsu skills suck balls, and i suck at genjutsu."

"And yet even after all that training, they didn't teach you to unlock the Kyuubi's chakra?"

"Well according to dad. I needed to train my body before allowing the Kyuubi's chakra to flood my body." Menma sighed. "He always said it takes a power being to wield power"

"You took that kind of advice from your father instead of asking advice from the actual jinchuuriki in your family." Naruto face palmed.

"Um I guess so" Menma chuckled nervously.

"You're an idiot. It takes more than just training your body. First, you need to train your mind as well as your body. A tailed beast are known to be very manipulative and cunning. If you lack a strong mind then you lack the mental strength to combat their influence. Second you need to have perfect chakra control. Kurama's chakra is potent and highly acidic, if your chakra control severely lacks then the chakra can cause some major bodily harm or worse you can lose yourself to it and go berserk." Naruto explained.

"Right and look what happened I nearly killed you. I'm a monster" Menma cried trying to wipe his eyes.

Sensing his brothers distress he patted the bed motioning his brother to sit. Taking the invite Menma sat down close to him. Naruto placed a hand on his shoulder with a firm but gentle grip.

"Menma look at me" Naruto said softly.

Menma looked up with his saddened filled eyes to gaze into Naruto's light blue ones.

"You're not a monster. You just lost control when you gave into your anger. you weren't yourself." Naruto explained trying to ease his pain.

"Exactly I wasn't myself!" Menma shouted. "What if I end up hurting the ones I care about again. I could hurt mom, dad, or anyone in the village!"

"No jinchuuriki is perfect. But if you truely want to ensure that you don't lose control again. Then get off your ass, go home, and demand training from your parents. The only ones to blame are your parents who should have trained you from the start."

"But...but I don't want to hurt anyone again." He sniffled. "I'm afraid to use this power again."

Naruto wiped his brother's tears with his thumbs and held his face in his hands. Menma sniffled again, his tears running anime style as he wrapped his arms around his brother. Naruto ran his hand through Menma's hair letting him let out all of his pain and sadness.

"A word of advice brother, to combat a powerful source of chakra like Kurama's. We must fill ourselves with love. Love is the only thing powerful enough to combat the chakra's malicious nature." Naruto said gently, still running his hands through Menma's hair.

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