chap.20 kumo peace treaty

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Sunlight shined through the window on the upper level of the compound. It's warm rays shined lightly upon the faces of Naruto and Menma. Menma spent the night at the Senju compound and was welcomed with open arms from Hashirama and his family. Naruto was sleeping soundly on his side with Menma huddling close to his little brother. Mito came in and smiled at the sleeping boys. Walking over she gently shook them awake.

"Naruto, Menma, wake up your going to be late for breakfast." Mito said softly.

The boys mumbled a bit as they weren't ready to get up yet. Mito sighed and decided to use her usual method when Hashirama wouldn't wake up. Gathering her chakra and pushing it to her hands she formed electric currents in her hands. Chuckling with a happy smile she leaned forward to their sweet little faces.


Naruto and Menma immediately sprang up clutching each other. Barely awake they turned to look at Mito. Menma let out a yawn and spoke to the Senju matriarch.

"Wow I didn't know Naruto's old clock had a banshee alarm."

Mito gasped in shock, her face twitched and large tick marks appeared on her forehead, "WHO'S AN OLD BANSHEE?!"

"Ahhh! Mito-sama!" Menma screamed, coming to his senses.

Back downstairs Madara was cooking breakfast for the whole family. He had a knack for cooking and it was one of his hobbies. He wore a black tank top which showed off his ripped muscles and six pack. He also wore a pair of black hakama Anbu pants with a skull belt buckle on it. He also wore a white apron that said the following DISRESPECT MY COOKING I'LL BURN YOU ALIVE. Tobirama walked in rubbing the back of his head and yawning at the same time.

"Morning Sunshine." Tobirama said jokingly to Madera as he sat down at the table.

"Morning Tobi, sleep well?" Madara asked back flipping the pancakes.

"Better than my 100 year dirt nap." Tobirama answered reading the newspaper. "Where's Hashirama?"

"He's preparing for the peace treaty with Kumogakure. Hiruzen and Kurama are with him to oversee the treaty."

Madara set the table and began placing the pancakes on the plates. The sweet aroma was so heavenly it even made Tobirama's mouth water. The second hokage didn't want to admit it but he liked his cooking better than Mitos. Speaking of Mito, she should have woken up the boys by now. Soon they heard loud crashing from upstairs and screaming from Mito. The boys came rushing downstairs fully dressed as they say at the table. Naruto was perfectly fine but Menma looked like he was a street fight.

"What happened?" Tobirama asked concerned about Menma for a bit.

"I tickled a sleeping dragon." Menma groaned in pain.

"He called mom an old banshee." Naruto ratted him out.

"Hey I was still tired and I couldn't see straight okay." Menma retorted angrily.

Menma's eye was swollen along with his left cheek and he had a black eye. Madara immediately took notice of this and knew who the sleeping dragon was. Speaking of the dragon they noticed her coming down the stairs humming to herself. Mito was smiling warmly and brightly except it was a smile the family was familiar with.

"What a fine fresh morning." The matriarch chuckled taking her seat at the head of the table. "It's a special day for Konoha."

"Special day my ass. I wouldn't trust Kumogakure as far as I could throw them. You know their main goal is obtain as many bloodlines as they can to fuel the ranks of their Shinobi." Madara spoke his piece with malice against the cloud. "I believe this treaty is no more than a trap. Once we have our guard down they will steal someone from one of the clans from under our noses. Surely Hashirama placed that ambassador under watchful eyes. From what I heard the tried this the last time and almost kidnapped Hinata Hyuuga."

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