chapter.7Enter madara uchiha

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The Uchiha compound being over packed was an understatement. If anyone didn't know better, they would assume the entire village had come for the party. Plus members from every main clan had made it to the gathering. Included in those were Hashirama Senju and his wife and son. It was the birthday of Sasuke and Satsuki Uchiha, except the party was mostly focused on Satsuki, the prodigy twin. Fugaku still being the arrogant toe rang who believed power over hard work was beaming with pride at his daughter, his favorite. He quickly noticed that many important figures arrived to the party, hell even the Fire Daiymo even came.

"This party will show the most improtant people in the country what my pride and joy Satsuki can offer them. This will bring the uchiha name to far greater heights than this small cesspool of a village" Fugaku thought boastfully.

The guest all arrived as Mikoto greeted them. Mito Senju greeted her with a warm smile and Naruto gave her a Lily from his little garden at home. The Uchiha matriarch accepted the flower with gratitude and gave Naruto a small kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Naruto" Mikoto said.

"Your welcome Aunty, is Sasuke here?"

"Oh why yes he's in the training ground on the east side of our house. But he's been a little down in the dumps today?"

"What! Why would Sasuke miss his own party?" Naruto asked.

"Its strange that a child wouldn't attend his own birthday party" Hashirama stated getting confused.

"Well Fukgau made the party focus more on his daughter than both of them. You know how he is" Mikoto said in irritation. "Sasuke kinda outgrown birthday parties and he asked that we stopped celebrating it if all Fugaku cares about is Satsuki."

"Speaking of Fugaku where is he?" Mito asked sweetly. "I need to talk to him for a little bit"

Knowing what Mito had planned she pointed to her husband that was speaking with the Daiymo. Thanking Mikoto with a nod she walked off to talk to Fugaku about a certain incident a few days ago. Fugaku was chatting arrogantly spouting off about the might of the uchiha clan and the skills of his two eldest children. He went into full detail about Itachi mostly. But then went into detail of his daughter's prodigal skills.

"I can assure you Daiymo sama, Satsuki and Itachi are the best of their generation." Fugaku spoke pridefully.

"I see well I know of Itachi and his skills, especially with his shinobi record." The Daiymo chuckled. "But Satsuki, well I'll have to wait and see"

"FUGAKU!" Mito shouted getting everyone's attention.

"What is it Mito chan?" Fugaku asked.

His only response was a punch across the face shocking and horrifying everyone. Fugaku fumbled back before he was grabbed by the hair and his face was slammed repeatedly into the hardwood table. His face was becoming bruised and swelled up from the impact. She then roundhouse kicked him into the wall before her hands wrapped around his neck.

"If you ever lay a hand on my son again, I'll make sure when I'm done with you, the only way anyone will find your remains will be with a microscope." She seethed.

Fugaku gagged and struggled to breathe as he tried to pry her hands off. Itachi soon came to his father's rescue telling Mito that it wasn't worth it. His humiliation in front of everyone was punishable enough. Mito glared at the uchiha patriarch but released her grip dropping him to the floor as he tried to gasp for air.

"You're lucky I appreciate and respect Itachi." Mito snarled before walking away.

Itachi sighed "you'll be the death of this clan father. If your influence spreads to the rest of the clan then I fear for its future."

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