chap.17 cant take no for an answer

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The morning soon came as the sunlight shined through the beautiful crafted windows of the upper level of the Senju mansion. It's rays shined bright upon the sleeping boy who was snuggling close to his lovely companion Kaguya. Mito and Hashirama couldn't understand why their son loved sleeping with Kaguya. But according to their son he says he feels safe. Naruto fluttered his eyes open as he heard the sounds of birds chirping. With a groan he sat up and let out a yawn.

"I hate waking up early in the morning" he groaned rubbing his eyes.

He soon turned to see Kaguya still asleep. She looked so beautiful when she slept. Not wanting to disturb her he started to get dressed. He put on a bright orange shirt with the Uzumaki symbol on it along with black hakama shorts. Once fully dressed he walked over and kissed Kaguya's cheek before heading downstairs. He was suddenly greeted by a sweet smell of delicious eggs and bacon as he saw his mother cooking and his dad reading the morning paper.

"Morning Kaa-san, morning tou chan" Naruto greeted them happily.

Mito turned her head to see her son up and at em so early. Normally he would sleep in like his father. Still she placed the food on the table and took a seat next to her husband.

"Well good morning sochi it's very rare to see you up so early in the morning. I can only guess since today is your first day of the academy." Mito chuckled.

"Of course Kaa san" Naruto said taking a seat at the table. "I'm finally going to become a shinobi and one day I'll take that hat from Tou san"

Hashirama chuckled at his sons motivation and his ambition to become the next hokage. He knew that his son had the dream for it. But it took more than just ambition to be hokage. The weight of the hat and the job it comes with is something that you must prepare yourself for.

"Hahahaha, you're many years to early to take the hokage's hat sochi. But if you train hard and never give up then I have no doubt that I'll one day pass the mantle of Hokage to you."

The family soon began eating and boy Oooh boy did Mito know how to cook. Her recipes were one of the best, heck she even published them and they sold off the shelves like crazy. Naruto was stuffing his face which showed how much he loved his mother's cooking.

"Naruto chan no stuffing your face you'll choke." Mito scolded.

Naruto let out a goofy laugh before swallowing, "Sorry Kaa chan I just love your cooking."

"Well that's very sweet but you can still show proper table manners."

"Oooh come on Mito sama let the boy have a little fun. I mean your only young once." Hashirama chuckled.

This resulted in him receiving a bonk on the head by her ladle. Hashirama grunted rubbing his head. Mito looked at him with her hair flowing in nine strands resembling Kurama's tails.

"Are you questioning my parenting skills Hashirama?!" Mito shouted. "AND DID YOU JUST HINT AT ME THAT I'M OLD!"

Sinking down in his chair Hashirama held up his kitchen plate to shield himself from his wife's anger. Sure he may be the God of all shinobi but he even he wouldn't risk arguing with his hot blooded wife. Begging for mercy and apologizing quickly for his mistake, he was saved by a loud laugh. They noticed Kurama on the couch waking from his nap.

"What an alarm clock, I wake up to the whining of the so called God of Shinobi scared out of his wits by his own wife" Kurama said teasingly making Hashirama steam with anger.

Kurama stretched his limbs as he jumped off the couch and turned into his favorite form a beautiful red haired woman with long red hair, red eyes with black slits, a goddess like body with a double E size cup. The Kitsune woman also wore a tight kimono that showed off her body shape. Kurama chose this form a lot to keep fangirls away from Naruto. The fox also loved this form despite him being male. But to him he believes tailed beasts are not define by gender and switch between the two anytime they want. She took her seat next to Naruto as she was served with some eggs and bacon along with some rolls. Unlike Naruto Kurama ate in a more sophisticated way. Similar to how royalty eats.

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