chap.16 senju vs namikaze

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The air within the office was dropped to such a cold temperature. The emotions emitting from the Senju brothers, Mito and Madara were flaring and combining to raise the level of Killing intent they were expressing. Hashirama was glaring upon his grand daughter like he was glaring upon an enemy. Tobirama was the same way as his older brother except his reason was different. Tobirama had taught Tsunade the importance of family and the values of the Senju clan. Mito and Madara were glaring at Kushina. Mito was releasing killing intent for Kushina's betrayel of the Uzumaki Clan values. Madara wanted to kill every single one of them since Madara was once a father and he loved his children unlike Minato who only loved one of his children and abandoned the other.

Tsunade and the others were having mixed expressions and feelings about what the situation in hand. Here standing before them were the first and second Hokage, Mito Uzumaki, and the infamous Madara Uchiha. The most powerful and dangerous of the Shinobi nations and known as gods by all.

"Jiji" Tsunade spoke.

"My patience is wearing thin." Hashirama spoke coldly. "You dare to show your faces after you fled from the village after the Kyuubi attack."

"How are you both alive and young?" Jiraiya asked.

"A certain deity took pity upon Naruto and brought my wife, brother, and I to take care of him. Since you both failed in your parental responsibility it fell upon our shoulders."

"The Shinigami of course" Minato scowled. "Prideful divinity bitch"

"We told Sarutobi that Naruto would go to an orphanage. There he will grow up with other children and have a normal childhood. Then when Menma turns 13 we would come back to retrieve him." Kushina explained.

"Because you wanted to raise the boys apart from each other under the fear of Kurama trying to take back his chakra right?" Mito said in her sharp tongue like tone.

"Not only that but also due to a prophecy that decided the fate of the Shinobi world. I knew it had to be Menma and so it was decided to take him to the Namikaze Compound in the Fire Capital." Jiraiya pointed out.

"Yet you didn't decide to leave the poor boy with a family friend or an allied clan." Tobirama said with a tone as cold as Madara's.

"We couldn't have him live with any of the clans as that would draw suspicion and attention to Naruto." Minato explained.

"Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me" Madara scoffed. "I being a father once myself would have made sure my child would stay with a family friend or ally if I had to perform a mission or whatever that was critical to the village's safety."

"Well regardless of what you think of us. We did it to ensure the world's salvation and survival." Minato retorted. "We know it was painful for us to do this Naruto. But we are back now and we would like for the return of Naruto to us."

Hashirama laughed in fact it was the most he laughed in such a long time.

"You honestly think I would surrender my son back to man with a god like complex. A man who threw away one of his sons for the training of another. A MAN who fled the village when they needed him the most. A man who deserted his village when we were in such a weakened state that left us in such a vulnerable state in which our enemies could easily attack us!" Hashirama yelled at the end panting hard.

"Lord Hashirama please see..." Minato sighed.

Minato was soon interuppted by a gust of wind that was pure chakra. The feeling and the killer intent within was making it tough to breathe. Gazing up he looked to see it coming from Tobirama Senju.

"Say please see reason and I'll rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat SO YOU CAN SEE MY HANDS TEAR YOUR CARCASS OPEN!" the second Hokage shouted angrily.

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