22. Masquerade

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Mum took it upon herself to wake me at the crack of dawn. I tried in vain to bury my head into the firm pillow as she shook me with strong hands.
"Serena. Get up. You have to start getting ready," her voice muffled through my attempts at blocking her out.
"Doesn't it start in the evening?!" I groaned, trying with all my might to hold myself close to sleep.

There was a momentary pause before the covers were off me and I found myself face down on the laminate flooring. With a groan I rolled onto my back to find Mum resisting a grin, "Oh, you're awake. Good morning," she chimed.
I resisted the urge to swear at her. Sure we were playing happy families right now. But having seen how she treats people she doesn't like, I had no doubt she could switch without a second thought.

Pulling myself from the solid floor I followed a grinning Myla into the main room, still in my pyjamas, freezing on the spot when I saw we were not alone. The room was filled with people. Mum sauntered back to her seat as the man continued to fix her hair.

"Hi sweetie," a woman with a resonant alto voice waltzed over to me, grabbing my cheeks with excessive pressure, "My name's Alexandria. I'll be doing your hair today. And boy does it need work," She pressed on my shoulders, forcing me into a chair as she circled me with judging eyes, making noises of disapproval.

For the next three hours she set to work on my hair. Trying out styles and then deciding she wasn't happy with her work. My scalp protested the strain as she pulled it in all angles over and over again. My eyes began to water from the ache. By the time she was done my whole head had gone numb. But mum still wouldn't let me see what god forsaken creation took so long.

Then I had to put up with the makeup team attacking my face with all manners of torture. The man with none existent eyebrows set to work pulling hairs I wasn't even aware I had from my face. Whilst the woman was trying to find the perfect shade of foundation to suffocate my skin with. They poked and prodded with various itchy brushes and scratching unidentifiable objects. I had to keep closing my eyes as they pressed against my them with tiny tooth pick looking sticks.
How much can you possibly do to one eye?!

It went on for so long I'm pretty sure I fell asleep. Not that I was comfortable or anything. When I came around they were still prodding my face, though they did appear to have moved down to my lips. I wonder if they noticed I had drifted off? My skin felt slimy with the thick layer that sat on it. I risked a peek. The man and woman stood side by side, examining their work.

Mums face appeared, she looked teary, "Yes. That's what I wanted."
I sat up, still in my pyjamas as they all stood staring at me. I wasn't sure how I should react. I could feel my cheeks flaring up as the awkwardness dragged on. But I doubt they could see my blush under the layers of foundation. Who needs a mask?

"You are dismissed. See you at the party," mum instructed, ushering them all out the door. Leaving just me and her in the house, "let's get you dressed," she clapped her hands together like an excited child.
They had obviously done her hair too. Mums makeup was a deep brown smoky eye with a slick sharp up-do, already in her blood red body hugging gown. I was glad to see that it looked impossible to run in. She looked fierce and authoritative, I certainly wouldn't want to step in her way.
Except that's exactly what I was about to do.

She pulled out my dress and helped me to step into it. Zipping up the side whilst I breathed in for dear life. I sucked in air when she was done, feeling the constriction on the bodice. At least the flared skirt would allow me to move.
She held her hands in front of her face, "You look beautiful. Tag is going to love you even more after this," somehow she managed to strut business in the red skirt like it wasn't obstructing at all as she lifted up my mask, "The final touch."

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