28. Welcome

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Travelling had taken a couple of days. Turns out when in formation I could swim and sleep, like a car on autopilot. It was very convenient, especially when surrounded solely by open waters.

Sure it wasn't an incredibly restful sleep, but it kept me going. Ebony had gotten restless a couple of times, but was good enough not to complain too much.

Everyone was cranky and hungry at this point, but clusters of villages began to pop up here and there, and knowing we were close to the end fuelled us to push on.

It had been months since I had seen this place. But the grand station was unmistakable. The archway shone like a beacon in the dark, as crowds began to thicken.

Hope was starting to creep in when the great entrance to the city came into view. Had we finally made it? Could we start again like we had wanted all along?

It was almost too good to be true. Though I wouldn't say the journey had been easy, anything but that.

The closer we got, the more guards patrolled the area.
"Security on steroids or something? Jeez." Tag sent out to our group, but no one was laughing.
"What does this mean Kai?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.
"I don't know. Hopefully it's just a precaution. We will find out more inside." His voice came across sure, but I knew better.

Crossing the threshold was tense. The security split everyone into lines, searching all who passed. We were ordered into lines depending on gender and age. Kai passed Ebony to Anahi as we were sent toward the long line of women. We had nothing to hide, other than me breaking out of the palace. I was trying to convince myself that that hadn't been a crime. They were holding me prisoner, that became evident at the end.

The line was moving at a snails pace. The men's moving quicker than the women's. I could see Kai ahead as he reached the guard.
Their exchange was silent to me of course, but the guard was left frowning.

Soon Kai was being detained and we found the women's queue surrounded in seconds.
My heart stopped as my whole body froze over. Dread was evident on my face.
Game over.

"Serena, please step out of the line," They sent out to all.
My heart was pounding, what had I gotten myself into now? I must be the unluckiest siren in the seven seas.
We were so close, so close to our happy ending, and right at the last hurdle I was to fall, again.
All the sirens next to me were looking around for someone to step forward.

I took a moment to prepare myself, before making my presence known. Anahi tried to step out too.
"Ebony needs you. Stay where you are," I insisted, giving a meaningful stare.
Anahi hesitated for just a second, but resigned herself back into the queue, "Stay safe Serena. Don't do anything stupid."
I was sure she had intended that to comfort me. Though it did quite the opposite.

Strong hands grabbed me, pulling me to the guard house where Kai was being held. He looked at me reassuringly, though I knew he was just as scared as I was.
"Where are you taking us?" I begged for an answer.
Most of the guards ignored us but one. I could tell he was new to his post.
"The King and Queen requested that if you should be found. We deliver you directly to the palace."
Athena, why couldn't she leave me be? She had no idea what I have been through.

The guards shuffled duties so there were enough to escort us straight to Athena's grip.
We were dragged through the familiar tunnel. The skystone's showed that it was daytime in the city as they shone unchanged on the cavern rock.

Entering the main pool, it didn't hit me with as much awe this time. The circumstances dulled the beauty of what I should be calling home.
Surfacing left me with an unwelcome old feeling. We climbed up the wooden stairs after morphing, the guards keeping a close formation, ensuring their control over our movements.
Sky had given me a simple dress to travel in, for which I was now grateful as I was marched through the Main Street of the city.

It was a busy morning in Senima. The Main Street bursting with life. Heads were turning at the sight of me being paraded with such a large guard.
Of course I could use my powers and be out of here in moments. But I didn't want to make the situation worse. Especially when it could affect Kai. I wanted him to be able to return to his life here.

I had already decided that that would be my goal. Even if it meant I could no longer be in his life. He deserved to be happy. I had caused so much pain.
It bothered me that I didn't know what had happened to the others either. I was hoping that they hadn't been associated with me.

Kai hovered as close to me as our guard would allow, keeping us just out of reach. I wanted to reach out, to apologise for dragging him into yet another drama. But anything I said might ruffle the guards, and that wouldn't benefit anyone. So my mouth stayed shut.

The palace drew closer, more ominous than ever, standing over me like a sentence ready to be delivered.

The closer we came, the faster my heart beat. It was an inevitable event, but my nerves just wouldn't accept it.

The entrance to the palace now had doubled with a military presence. What is going on here? Then I caught a glimpse of a poster. There had been many of these on my journey up through the Main Street, but only now had it caught my attention.


My jaw fell open. What was this about? Why would they want to register all of the half bloods?

Leading into the palace left my mind reeling as more of these posters revealed themselves. It was clear Kai had seen it too.
Instantly upon entrance to the throne room I saw Athena, pacing up and down with purpose. King Aldric was nowhere to be seen.
When she saw me her eyes bugged, "It's you. You're alive."
I couldn't tell if she was happy about it or not.
Athena stepped closer, looking slightly deranged, "When my men made it to the house they found evidence of a scuffle. The intruders killed fourteen of my guards. I didn't believe it when they said they were bringing you right now. How are you still alive?"

I knew I had to tell the truth as fully as I could, "I was captured by the rebel Sirens, lead by Dax. An injury from my capture caused temporary memory loss, leading to them believing they could manipulate me. When my memory came back, I worked to free my friends in order to escape. During this planning, I found a secondary group hiding within the rebels, sirens who wanted peace. With their help we were able to overthrow Dax and the leaders, freeing their society, who strive for peace. And I came back here to try to find my peace. That's it."

"And the rebel leaders? Where are they now?" Athena pushed, eyes wide at my story.
"Dead. We had no choice," I answered, energy seeping from me.
"You defeated the rebels. Go figure," Athena snorts, shaking her head in awe, "What about these secondary rebels, where are they?"

"I don't know," I spoke calmly, I can't be responsible for anyone else's troubles. I wasn't about to set the Seniman sentries on Sky and the Watchers.
Athena's face twitches, "You wouldn't lie to me now, would you?"
"No, the final battle led to the destruction of their hideout. They will be long gone now."
"Kai? Can you vouch for her story?" Athena cooed.
Kai remained strong as always, "I can."
How could he still stand by me? I'll never understand how he can be so selfless.

Athena nodded, "Alright. Well then, what shall I do with you?"

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