44. Asleep

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"Are you afraid?"


The cliff watches over the fire, breaking over the horizon. I know I should run, but my feet won't allow me to go. A strange feeling of expectation falls over me. I know I must stay but I can't remember why.

The fire is coming, breaking through the waves until......light?

A light breaks up from the depths, standing like a sentinel between us. It is so bright and beautiful, I know it will save us.

"I told you we could save them."

I turn to the voice, only to see my father standing next to Kai. They both look serene, neither of them seeing me standing there.

As I take a step towards them, the same light blocks me from getting any closer. It hits me with a force that propels me to the edge of the cliff face, toes barely hanging on, sections underneath my weight begin to break away, falling towards the chaos below, and I know I have little time left. I reach for Kai, desperately willing him to grab me, but he doesn't turn from my father.

My father turns to me, "I told you, you don't belong."


I sit bolt upright in my bed. Confusion fills me when I look around the room. Where am I?

Slowly the memories return to me. Sanctuary. I'm really here, it really happened.

I don't remember falling asleep. I must have been too tired to even be awoken when I was placed here. I turn my head to see what I'm laying on, eyes still thick with sleep. My brain feels full, like seeing the world through a foggy telescope, unable to focus properly. The bed I'm in is clearly makeshift, out of a giant clam shell, filled with mossy seaweed as padding, but its not nearly as uncomfortable as it sounds, it's actually somewhat comfortable.

I'm wearing a new type of clothing. A deep orange skirt hugs my waist, with an oddly chosen green tee. It appears second hand, but I wouldn't object as long as they were comfortable.

The ceiling is another masterpiece, orca's swim playfully across it, their path leads them to a city surrounded in light, I know this is supposed to represent Sanctuary. A lone siren swims among them, being led home. Her face is wonderfully peaceful. I wonder how long she had had to survive before being led here?

I laugh at myself. Why was I psychoanalysing this carving? I had finally lost it.
Running my rough hand over my face, I feel the warriors scars that form calluses between strong fingers, created from wielding a weapon. I hadn't even noticed until now. What else had changed?

A sigh escapes my lips. Home. What would I know of home?

My tired feet found the cool floor, pressing worn toes with strength as I stand tall in the cosy space.
Fatigue creeped like poison on my stringy limbs. All my attention had been on moving forward in the tough situations. I hadn't really payed attention to how that might be affecting my body.
I was strong, that wasn't in question. But no fat clung to my bones. I moved to the rusted mirror, touching the haunted face that stared back at me, a question written on the sunken features, distorted by the bending of the antique.
I didn't look good.

"You're awake!" Kai's relief was evident as he entered the room.

I turn from the mirror, surprised he isn't disgusted by me, "How long was I asleep?"

"Two days. I was starting to get worried."

"Two days? How did that happen?"

Kai crosses the space and takes in my condition, worrying over me, something I had missed about him, "Well you weren't looking all that healthy when we found you. I went to get us some food. And you'd turned into sleeping beauty when I returned."

Serene Of The SeaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz