10. Alive

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I received many stares as we made our way through the city. The people here dressed strangely.
Women sporting silken dresses in vibrant colours that rippled gracefully as they walked. Men sported netted togas with weaved slacks, some baring their strong chests.
It was like stepping back in time, almost had a Grecian air to it, if it weren't for the advertisements on the televisions by the main pool.
Our land clothing was attracting attention. I was in my threadbare dress, and Kai still had on his torn jeans and sleeping shirt.
The unwanted stared started to get to me. Kai led us off the main road, through the side streets to avoid the larger crowds.
The rounded buildings were all two floors tall, their second floors open to the elements with exposed archways. Not that there was any weather to worry about here. None of them had doors, only sheer curtains seemed keep the privacy.
My bare feet hurt quickly, slapping onto the cobbled floor, but it seemed no one wore shoes here. I was starting to hobble a bit.
"Your feet will get used to it. All the tanners have trouble at first," Kai stated as he helped me up the steep, winding steps.

"Tanners?" I asked as the road grew near on vertical.
"That's what people call half bloods from the Above. Sorry, its habit. A little joke I guess," He slowed so that I could keep up.
I felt extremely out of shape as we climbed into the higher reaches of the cavern, looking over the rooftops below.
My stair counting had ended somewhere around three hundred. The most stairs I had ever climbed had been the two floors of the library and the small cliff.
Pausing for a moment, I grabbed my knees to catch my breath, "How much further?" My voice came out in a wheeze.
Kai laughed, patting my back, "Just up this street. No more stairs I promise. Anyway, in a week or two you won't even have to think about it. It'll be second nature." As if to prove a point he jumped off the step, marching down the little street.
Cursing internally, I forced my aching limbs to follow suit.
We stopped outside a building on the edge of a breathtaking plateau. It consisted of three domes, set in triangular shape, interconnected by covered walkways. Vines grew lazily up the sides, with pretty purple flowers in the shape of stars blooming from them.
Kai opened his arms wide like he was giving the place an air hug, "Home," He announced with pride.
It was beautiful.
Through the open sided walkway, I could see it had a central courtyard, "It's perfect," I breathed, afraid to say more for the heat building behind my eyes.
I could see how much Kai had missed this place. A pang of guilt wallowed at the back of my mind. It was my fault he had been away so long. He looked reminiscent for a while.
Turning to me he beckoned me forward, "Come inside and meet everyone."
I hadn't considered that I might be living with others too. I had assumed it would just be me and Kai. He pushed the curtain aside, letting me enter first.
I hadn't mentally prepared myself to make new acquaintances, considering my friend record from above. Fear cane unbidden in a wash of nerves. 
The room inside was shaded, back wall opening up to the beautiful little courtyard. A small pool lay in the centre of it, surrounded by luscious greenery.
The room I now stood in was devoid of people, but beautifully furnished.
Its mosaic floors swirled in coral colours, depicting the sun in an abstract work of art. The furniture was bare, but vibrant. With a couple of deep blue chaise lounge, complete with coffee table, that looked to be made of pearl, its iridescent surface throwing off rainbows as I moved.
The kitchen was near on medieval, large stone oven roaring, with a pot of something sweet smelling gurgling inside.
The room was finished off by a large table, that was carved flat from a beautiful onyx layered rock, matching chairs surrounded it.

Kai called out, "Is anybody in?" He barely finished the sentence when a tiny ball of energy flashed through the room from seemingly nowhere, "Kai!" The little girl squealed with joy, wriggling when he picked her up.
"Ebony you little rascal! I've missed you so much! Have you grown?!" He cradled her too him with such loving care, I wondered if she was his.
He turned to me, as if sensing my thoughts, "Ebony. This is Serena. She is going to be living with us. Serena, this is Ebony. My sister."
He never told me he had a sister. What else don't I know?
The little girl stared up at me through her thick lashes, dark violet eyes full of curiosity. She had Kai's lopsided grin.
I shook her little hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ebony!"
Ebony giggled shyly and hid her face in Kai's shoulder.
I had never seen such emotion from him. He looked at his little sister like he was holding the world in his hands. She was his world.
I wanted to know what that level of emotion felt like.
Shortly in tow came the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her silver silken dress flowed, cloud like, around a perfect hourglass figure. Her gentle golden curls cascaded over slender shoulders. Liquid gold eyes regarded me with warmth. She was like a statue of a goddess.
The angel like being turned to Kai, tickling the wriggling Ebony, before regarding Kai rather more seriously, placing her hand on his cheek, "You took longer than you promised."
I tried to suppress an involuntary pang of jealousy. Even her voice was music, gently scolding. I wanted to be her.
How could anyone be so beautiful?
Kai gently put Ebony down when she started fidgeting too much. Her little chubby fingers grabbing onto his leg.
"Things got.......complicated." He sighed, sounding like a scorned child.
The woman put her hands on her hips, she couldn't have been more than twenty five, "I can see that," She turned to me once more with a friendly but pointed stare, "I can see Kai is not going to introduce me, so I shall introduce myself. I am Anahi. But please, call me Ana." She held out her hand, "You must be the tanner. I hear the Above use symbolic shaking of the hand for greetings?"
They don't shake hands here. I made the mental note as I took the offered palm, introducing myself in my now ugly sounding voice, "I'm Serena."
"Where are the others?" Kai asked as Ebony scurried off down one of the walkways.
Ana flinged her hands up in a flustered gesture, "Lord knows where they get off to. If I had to bet, I would say getting in trouble down by the den."
This seemed to tickle Kai, causing his trademark grin to make an appearance, "Any news from the front?"
Ana tensed slightly, "No. It's been quiet. A little too quiet if you ask me. They're up to something, mark my words."
Kai snorted, "You don't have to tell me. They've been after tanners. I had a little rub in with our old friend Dax."
I could have sworn her blonde hair stood on end when he mentioned that name, "What happened?" Her eyes flicked between us both, the tension palpable.
Kai waved the air, "It was fine. He was trying to win Serena over with his eel tongue. But luckily our new housemate has a brain," He casually placed his arm over my shoulder.
I wasn't sure how to feel about that.
Ana raised a perfect eyebrow, "Well I should go chase down our little whirlpool. Kai, You had best show Serena her room. I imagine it's been a tough journey."
She turned to the walkway Ebony had run down, turning her head back in afterthought, "Feel free to borrow some of my clothes. I expect you got some stares on the way here looking like that," She left me with the judging comment, floating down the walkway in bare feet.
"She means well," His breath tickled my ear, reminding me how close he was standing.
I untangled myself from under his arm, "I know. I have to fit in. Someones got to tell me."
His expression softened, "Everyone will love you Serena. You don't have to change."
My heart squeezed a little bit, but it did not leave me relaxed. I felt very out of place.
Snapping out of his reverie he started walking down the other walkway, "Let me show you your room."
He led me through the shaded walkway. A smell of the vibrant flora drifted into my nostrils as we passed by the courtyard.
The dome Kai led me to had a curving walkway that hugged the building to get to the second floor.
I kept close, nervous at the thought I should now call this home.
At the top of the walkway, he paused at the pale blue curtain, theatrically pulling it back.
It was a room fit for a fantasy book princess. Again with an intricate mosaic floor that depicted ships in the ocean.
The city stood in an unreal panorama through the netting that hung between the archways, holding up a domed ceiling.
In the centre of the room was a beautiful rock rounded bath. It was odd to me that I had a bath in my room, but everything was odd here. The talk cupboard was embroidered with pearl engraved suns and moons, carved into its light surface.
A small vanity mirror that looked to be weaved with dry coral and seaweed, sat on-top of the dresser.
My focus was held on the four poster bed. It's deep purple silken sheets seemed to beckon me into their reaches. The posts reached up towards the domed ceiling, swirling patterns climbed up their thin trunks.
The ceiling itself was made of a slightly tinted glass, almost as if it were crystal.

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