6. Homely

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I woke up in my bed. Cover's over me. Though I was still dressed. Kai must have carried me. My eyes were still thick with sleep. I could smell food, which was odd for this house.
I dressed into my only dress, it was near on threadbare. But secretly, my favourite piece of clothing.
My stomach rumbled in response to the breeze carrying the mouth watering smell. I got up and padded to the living room in sleepy confusion.
Kai was in the kitchen. Frying up eggs in a pan. The heat rose in steamy clouds. He didn't hear my arrival.
He was humming an unfamiliar tune, the sweet melody was pleasant on the ears. Of course he had a beautiful voice. I watched quietly as he prepared them breakfast and put them onto the cracked plates. I sat on the back of the sofa.
After a while he noticed me, a smile brightening his lovely face, "Good morning."
I couldn't help but smile back, "Morning. Sorry I fell asleep on you. You didn't have to stay."
He handed me a plate and leaned next to me, "Its fine. The sofa was comfy enough."
I ate my eggs ravenously. Enjoying the fact he had left the yolk runny, just the way I like it. When I was done I grabbed both the plates and quickly washed them up in under the cold tap water, leaving them on the draining board.

Kai stood behind me, "So, what do you want to do today?"
I was glad he still wanted to be around me. Despite all the trouble that comes with that task, "It's my day off. I think you have the right to choose after all you've done. As long as it doesn't involve leaving town."
He nodded in understanding, "We could go out in my boat just off the coast. Get some peace and quiet on the waves?"
That actually sounded great to me. The closest I would get to my sanctuary with Kai being there. But then I remembered what he had said about convincing me to go with him, "Ok. But if you go too far from the shore or I think something's up. I'm a great swimmer and I won't hesitate to abandon ship."
He gave me a cheeky smile.
"I'm serious." I added nervously.
But Kai didn't answer. He opened the front door and ushered me out. The weather was good for sailing. A little cloudy perhaps, but barely any wind to contend with. The trees barely stirred, gulls taking advantage of the easy navigation.

At the pier, I followed Kai up the walkway. The ocean lapped underneath the old wooden planks, making the most delicious sound. Kai's boat was docked on the end. It was a small cosy vessel. Just big enough to qualify for crossing large distances. The boat was named 'Senima'.
Kai jumped nimbly onto its deck and held his hand out. But I myself am good on my feet. I jumped with ease next to him. He shook his head at my competitiveness and began to untie us from the dock, "There are seats inside the cabin there."
I ducked in the tiny cabin door. Inside was very cosy. The walls were overtaken mostly by the windows. As the steering resided at the front. There was a cosy fabric couch next to a small book shelf on the right. The left was a small kitchen with tiny fridge, stove and sink. With the very corner baring a ladder that led down to what I assumed was the bedroom. He worked with precision around the deck. I watched him through the window in awe. He seemed completely in his element.
He entered the cabin and closed the door, "Right we are just about ready to go." He approached the steering and began to pull levers and twist knobs.
The boat sputtered to life beneath me. Slowly pulling away from the dock. I could see a smile playing on Kai's lips. He really loved this.
I enjoyed the rocking motion of the sea. It relaxed me.
They headed out into the open, cutting through the waves with experience. I sat on the comfy couch and leant on the window like a child in a theme park.
I rarely got excited. It felt like I was sharing a part of my world without having to tell my secret. We travelled out of the bay and over where the reefs would be below. Kai slowed the boat and did some things on the panel. He then went outside and played with some of the ropes. I of course, only knew a little of what he was doing by the book I had read a couple of years ago.
When he was done he came inside and closed the doors. I knew nothing much was happening. But this was quickly becoming the most excitement I had had in years.
Kai watched me for a moment, "I'm glad you're a boat girl," He commented, switching the kettle on, "Hot chocolate?"
I felt like I was being pampered, "Yes please!" He opened the little overhead cabinet and pulled out two mugs from the mess that was within, being careful not to let the rest of the crockery fall out. This place was so small. Yet it felt so spacious, homely. It suited him. The kettle began to whistle on the stove. Kai pulled it off. Protecting his hands with a tea towel, he poured the steaming water into the two mugs.

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