41. Broken

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My heart beat like the drum of war as I swam towards the distant surface. I had not been to the surface since that day so long ago, when I turned my back on mankind for good.

Memories of fire flashed across my mind. The lonely flicker of the match in the darkness. The smell of the deadly fuel.

I could smell it again. Of course, the oil rig was producing the stench. The sea tasted dirty here.

Metal spines reached into the depth, polluting its beauty, twisting before the glimmering portal above.

Moonlight shone through in a mirage, creating silver pillars of beauty. But it only added to the sinister atmosphere of our arrival.

Could I really go through with this?

The surface was but inches away from my face now. I was afraid of it. Afraid of the people who live up there. Afraid of the people who live down here.

Everyone was breaching the surface, tails brushing through the tide, keeping them afloat.

I forced myself through. A cold wind immediately cutting my cheekbones.

Wind, I had forgotten about wind.

We bobbed side by side. Eyes on our target.

The rig stood firm before us, a giant steel fortress but a faded silhouette in the darkness, if it weren't for the odd light here and there, peeking through the thin windows, I'd think it were abandoned.

Light spatters drop onto my face as the rain starts to fall from heavy blackened clouds. Strangely, I liked the rain.

I couldn't see any men on the rig. But who would be outside in the rain? And who would be expecting an attack out here in the open ocean?

The strong currents and constant rising of an angry sea was not a discomfort to us. We rode them with ease as we took in our target.

I counted five floors. Entrances and exits to the structure were abundant via metal walkways.

The ocean battered its pillars like a toddler with a tantrum.
My veins filled with its wrath.

"We fight," Aella speaks, clearly feeling the same emotions as myself, "We destroy this monstrosity. For the good of our kind. Go 72."

She points as we move forward with strong strokes over the rising water.
As I pass her she grabs my arm, burgundy eyes burning into mine with a rabid intensity, "Remember what happens if you betray us," with that she releases me, joining the advance.
How could I forget?

Something instinctive drove me with the pod. Adrenaline released into my blood stream, hot and hungry.

The waves almost carried us, willing us forward with weighted gushes.

We hit the pillars hard, nimble fingers pulling us from the water as we transform, feet finding their hold as one by one we silently climb, eyes on the unsuspecting platform above.

I was almost disconnected from myself as our energies locked together. How strong we were with ten weavers linked at once. Our power almost unlimited.

A bitter wind was unkind on bare arms, trying to knock us back to the depths from which we came. But our grip was stronger.

When I reached the lip of the platform before the rest of the group I launched myself up on nimble limbs. This place was a kiddie playground compared to the jungle.

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