27. Return

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The reunion with my extremely dysfunctional family was almost too much to bare. When Ebony caught sight of Kai in the ballroom, she squealed at the top of her lungs, running at him on her stubby little legs.
The Watchers who had been looking after her seemed glad to be free of childminding, returning to celebrate with their friends.

There was an air of relief and joy. Though there were those who were still recovering from the events.
Stretchers were filled with the injured. Captured soldiers being taken into custody. The merriment was not continued on their faces. Even I didn't feel so triumphant now that my adrenaline had died. So many hurt because of me. True that so many more would have been killed without my intervention, but did that excuse my sins?
Did that excuse the loss of my mother? I had observed passively as they removed her under a white tarp. Was I sad? Was I relieved? I honestly didn't know.

The emotion of Kai getting his sister back was heart wrenching to watch. Could we finally find peace after all that's happened?
He held her like she might break, while she kicked and giggled, completely un-phased.
Anahi caught my eye as she left Alvor's side. No amount of celebration would console him, not now. His brothers death was etched on a face half broken.

Anahi seemed to be trying to find her words, "Thank you, for coming to save us," it was hard for her to say this to me, sounding practised in her bell toned voice, "It was brave of you. Look, I know what I said back in Senima. I won't take it back, because at the time, I meant it. You have changed everything. But it was going to change whether you turned up or not. Even if you have accelerated things. What I'm trying to say is, I won't object to you living with us," She nodded to herself, as if confirming that she had done her duty.

It was hard for me too, knowing that I couldn't take back the things that had been done to her because of me, "It's me who should apologise. None of this madness should have happened. Thank you for accepting me into your home."

With that she went back to Alvor's side, holding his hand, though it didn't elicit a response. His eyes were glazed over, distant.
The moment held my gaze, how could I learn to forgive myself for the things I've done?
I wanted to believe that it was over, but my nerves were fried. I had been hard wired to believe the world was trying to destroy me, just waiting around the corner for me to relax.

Tag drew my eye, saying his goodbyes to Chance and Gigi. The girls were not happy about his decision to join me.

A strong arm finds its way around my waist, "Are you ok?" Kai's voice dulls the pain within me.
I lean into him, closing my eyes for just a moment, "I'm coping."
He kissed my forehead, taking some of the burden with it, "Then we will cope together."

Sky crossed the room with purpose, "Your exit has been secured. The captives we freed have been sent on their way, some have chosen to remain here with us. Now it is your turn to claim your freedom. May we meet again under better circumstances," She gestures to the guards by the door.
"Time to go," Kai speaks to our group who gather where he calls.

Leaving this place was all I had wanted since arriving. I finally got my wish, as always it was served sour. We were a pretty beaten up bunch.

The exit was well concealed, no wonder I hadn't been able to find it. The triple steel doors were now under the careful watch of the rebels, who respectfully bowed their heads as our group passed. Most were focused toward me and Tag.

I noticed the worry setting into his brow, "Tag, you're sure about coming with us?"
He looks up from his thoughts, smiling lopsided, "Of course. Have I ever been unsure about anything?"
I shook my head, a little sarcasm was good for us, "Never."
Kai's hand tensed slightly in mine at the exchange.

The exit was a pressure pool. We had to step into an airlock before entering. Lights blinked around us as the pressure adjusted to the exit zone. My heart beat warily. Being locked in this space was giving me anxiety. I needed a wide open road of nothingness.
A warning siren sounded, signalling the unlocking of the secondary door. Which swung open automatically, releasing us.

We all stepped out around the circular pool, looking at each other, each realising that we had just impossibly survived.

The blue was right there, calling to us, a familiar feeling spread through my body. A memory of standing above the cliff face flickered in my mind.

How I had changed since Mullion. I doubted I would recognise myself had I seen myself as I am now.
This was a moment that would preserve in our minds, a strange mix of relief and absolute terror. I would have to get to know myself again. Who was I when the world wasn't crumbling around me? What kind of person would I be? It was time to find out.

"Together," I said, reaching to grab Kai's hand on my left and Tag's on my right. Everyone followed suit until the circle around the pool was complete.

"Together," Tag answered, almost to himself.

"Together," Everyone repeated. It was mantra that solidified us in this moment, gave us the strength to move on.

The breath was universal as we jumped to the blue. The sheer numbers of us transforming at once made the ocean around shimmer alight with magic.

The feeling of purity pouring into my lungs was more than I could have hoped for. I didn't think I would get to do this again.

Tag smiled at me as his tail formed with the biggest fin I had ever seen. Kai took my hand, with Ebony on his other side.

Tails, tails everywhere as we swam into an energy conserving formation. The skyscrapers of my former prison floated by as we made our way to the open sea. It was prettier this side of the glass. The city glowed with an eerily beautiful light. I could see some figures standing in the glass domed walkways as we swam over them.

The peacefulness was absolute. So quiet considering what had just happen within those walls. But that's how the world worked. No matter what, life went on, no matter how much my heart might ache for loss, no matter how much my heart might ache for victory.

It was the one thing I loved about the ocean, it felt like nobody was out there, just me, and those who now swam by my side. Just the man who held my hand. We had been through so much together. I wondered what my life might have looked like without him.
After surviving all of this, I wondered if I might have survived the human world. If I had had the option, would I have stayed knowing what I know now?

No. I thought to myself. I had to face what I was, and I did that the best I could.

There it was. The skyscrapers had gone dark, the unused sector, and behind the thinning structures, nothing, sweet wonderful nothing. I hoped to put this place behind me, images may haunt me, but my intention is to never return to this place.

As darkness spanned before us, the city fading away, my mind turned to the future. I hadn't left Senima on the best terms, I could only hope that the damage could be repaired. Surely Athena would understand that I had to save my friends?

I'm back from travelling and decided to continue this book. I hope you enjoy and please vote and comment as it always means a lot to me!

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