3. Dream

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I was running through the woods by my house. The crow was there. Except this time there were many crows and a fiery heat blasted my face. The earth was on fire. They all screamed down at me as I ran for the blue. I could see it. It called to me, called me to run faster. I wasn't safe. When I reached the edge of the cliff I didn't bother to pause to store my clothes. I jumped desperately. As I fell I willed the noise to stop. But instead of the embrace I depended on, I smacked onto the waves, unable to penetrate the surface. The ocean rolled and taunted underneath me but I just couldn't break through. I bashed the surface with my fists and screamed out, "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" Wrapping myself into a ball, I cried. A crow landed in front of me. I waited for the piercing squawk, but instead it spoke clearly, in a deep, resonant tone, "Serena? Serena, wake up. Wake up."

I could feel myself being shaken. Then I remembered where I was. I jumped out of my seat in embarrassment, "Oh god! I'm so sorry Professor! I didn't sleep well last night. I didn't sleep through the lecture though I swear. It was very interesting."
McDougal's white brow furrowed with deep concern, "I know Serena. I watched you drift off as your classmates left. You look unwell. Perhaps you should see a doctor?" His brown eyes showed genuine empathy that I had not seen in any other.
"No, really. I'll be alright. I just need to rest."
McDougal nodded slightly, "Serena. I just wanted to say. I've noticed that you often come into my classes a little worse for wear. If there is something that you feel you need to talk about. You can come to me in confidence."
I appreciated the sentiment, but I couldn't reveal my shame. Again I thanked my stars I had no bruises uncovered. Though I could see in Professor McDougal's intelligent gaze that he already knew there was more going on.
"Thank you. I appreciate it," I paused trying to figure out an escape, "I'd better go. I have to do some laundry before I can rest, so I want to get it over with. Thanks again." I made for the door, avoiding eye contact.

I didn't do my laundry of course and was fully aware what a stupid excuse that had been. The Laundromat only had ancient machines so every wash took three hours. Therefore I only found time on weekends.
Right now I made my way over to the cliff edge to relieve myself of this pain. My heart ached as I remembered the dream. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't escape to the ocean.

As I ran across the square I checked that it was safe to cross the road. Seeing no cars I moved to cross, bumping head first into someone. In my weakened state I crumbled straight to the ground and looked up in horror at my stupidity, "I'm so......sorry."
Kai looked down with that annoyingly roguish smile, which quickly faded, "You do not look good. Are you alright?"
I rolled my eyes indignantly.
He reached a strong hand out to help me up. But I pushed it away, staggering up on my own. My bruises were now forming their own bruises.
I tried not to look like I was in pain, "Sorry I bumped into you," I forced through gritted teeth, trying to hobble away, which wasn't getting me anywhere quickly.
Kai kept up without effort. He kept reaching out like he was expecting me to fall, "Seriously, Serena. You look like you're about to keel over. What the hell happened to you?"
I tried to look tough and changed the subject, "Did you follow me here? Because if you did, that's the definition of a stalker."
Kai pursed his lips and sighed, "No. No, I did not follow you here. Surprising as this might sound to you. This is a small town and my day doesn't revolve around you. Also, you bumped into me. Or do you have a concussion too?"
Now I felt really stupid. Why did I even say that? Of course he wasn't following me! I felt my cheeks flare up in shame. I just wanted to be alone. Why couldn't everyone just mind their own business? I continued my painful journey and prayed that he would leave before I reached the woods. But he remained present and annoying. We walked (He walked, I hobbled) in silence.

When the woods were close I stopped, "Look. Kai. Thanks for your concern for my health. But my house is right up here. I'll be fine. I'd rather just be alone right now."
He paused in his step and watched me for a moment, the confliction evident on his face.
Then he seemed to back off slightly in defeat, "Fine. Hope you feel better." He stalked off with his hands in his pockets.
Relieved, I hobbled quickly into the tree line, just in case he changed his mind.
As the blue drained the colour away from the world I found the strength to move faster.

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