24. Pay

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I was devoid of emotion as we left the cells. My mind was set on the goal, I could not see or feel anything outside that singular thought.
Somebody will pay.
I didn't let myself count the tarps. The Watchers had escorted all the prisoners to the abandoned part of the building. Their plan is to transform each one so they are fighting fit. Then they will dress the willing in masquerade attire to join us in the ballroom for the grand finale.

My next job is to disable the security system in the hive itself. I was going into my parents bedroom. No fear could stop me now. Not after what I had seen. Not after what I had done. I was tainted. Perhaps that is why the fear was now gone. There was no forgiveness for the acts I had carried out. And no forgiveness for those who had brought it upon me. Also the acts that I fully intended to carry out now would not help my darkening spirit.

The Watchers who were working around me, taking out guards, stepped out of my way when I passed. I knew my expression said everything they needed to know. Some of them even appeared slightly wary of me. I couldn't feel the pain of the grates underneath my feet anymore. I was moving a lot quicker now that I was on carpet.

I slipped into my home with ease, finding all the lights out. I switched the main light on and moved with determination towards the bedroom. Pushing the door open revealed the camera screens from all around the city. Mum had been stupid to leave this unattended. I could see The Watchers working on most the screens. Due to the thinning of the guard for the celebration, the whole city was almost taken. Then it would be a matter of replacing them with our guys. The ball was still going strong, thank god. I could see Mum watching decoy me, dancing with decoy Tag. At least she was being kept occupied. If another weaver got involved in the situation, things were going to get difficult.

Moving to the wires, I pulled the knife from my skirts. Unfortunately they had made it so the screens couldn't be shut off. Which meant that anyone who went to destroy the system was in for a shock. Literally. But I had come prepared, the handle of my knife being a non conductive material. I just had to be careful to stay clear of any sparks. I grabbed the wires and began to hack away, hearing sizzling noises as they gave way under the sharp blade. Slowly the screens began to fizzle out one by one, ridding the city of any organised defence mechanism.

I continued until not a single screen was left, stepping carefully away from the wires. Then I remembered my skystone. Padding over to the bedside table I started pulling drawers. It was easy to find as it glowed with the shine of night. I held it in my hand for a moment, remembering the good memories that came with it.
Why did I attract such trouble? I had been happy. How could I ever go back to that? Even if I did escape, I would never be the same.

Slipping it into one of the holsters I gathered my wits to return to the ball. I strode towards the living room, feeling no need to commit this place to memory.

"So the prodigal tanner returns."
The deep voice had me stopping in my tracks, all muscles tensing for a fight. I turned to find Dax, leaning in the back of the sofa. His expression was calm, but the raging fire in his eyes told me different. He hauled himself to his feet, taking a threatening step forward.

"How long have you been with us?" He questioned with a friendly tone.
In some ways that was more worrying than if he had been angry. But I had seen too much death today to be put off, my voice came out just as calm as his, "From the start."

He snorted, the sound odd in the rising tension, "Of course you have. Sweetie," his lips curled back, revealing his straight white teeth, "All Myla wanted was to have a happy family. But you were always trouble from the start. I told her we should just leave you with the humans. But no! The Seniman's got involved and I had to go play retriever! I wanted to kill you, and blame it on the filthy being you called Dad. So that I could live with my wife free from your influence at last. But you kept holding on," He flipped the vase of flowers, making the glass shatter across the floor, "Then when you came here and 'lost' your memory. It was too good. Too easy. I thought perhaps I could live with you around for a little while. If you started to get on my nerves, I could kill you in your sleep. The hospital would claim that it was your head injury. Problem solved. But you see Serena. I'm glad it's happened this way. Because now I can kill you slowly."

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