46. Prepare

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It's funny how tired a person can get and yet still find sleep elusive. When you can't sleep or eat, there's no doubt left in your mind that you're in too deep.

I suppose impending war can do that to a person. A lot of sunken, sleepless faces around here once the word got out.
They are coming.

How quickly the mood of the masses can shift. Just hours earlier the streets were full of noise. People building new homes, laughing with merriment and unity.

Unity remained still, under the careful sound of weapons being readied. The whispering chatter from nervous lips that echo in the emptiness, as if sound might accelerate towards fate.

The pitter patter was constant however, of a dream home in the making, just hanging on the edge of returning to its enchanted state.

Somehow convincing yourself that you're immune to death is enough to keep you stepping forward. At least that may work in the short term.

I was an angel of death, it followed me wherever I went. Cursed, came to mind. Walking up the streets I was met with dead eyes, hiding worried hearts. I kept my chin up, people were looking to me and my plan to save them. I was looking for me and my plan to save them too. Not just them either. So many lives hung on the balance, Siren and human alike. How could Athena have become so clouded?

Surely everyone had expected this outcome sooner or later. By breaking off from Senima they had already made themselves enemies of the state. Perhaps they simply thought they had more time. A common mistake made far too often by those who fear the end.

I, however, found myself glad. If there was anything I had learnt about myself, it's that waiting for the inevitable caused far more anxiety than facing it at the time of arising.

I had stayed in my black suit, it just made sense as the material was made for the current situation and sturdiness was going to come in handy.
I hadn't seen 94 since our arrival, but Cas had told me that they are compliant enough. He doesn't want them getting involved however, just in case they go rogue.
Those of us in 72 were loyal enough to be trusted as far as he was concerned.

A lot of my focus concentrated towards my breathing, this kept me calm and also helped with my posture under wavering eyes.

By my side Ifran walked silently with his hands crossed in thick sleeves. We had been at it in the War room all night. Planning, more planning. Finally we had agreed after many hours of arguing the pros and cons. But as they had said, his words were invaluable and though the plan was risky, it was the one that gave me the most faith.

Casualties were inevitable, that scared me, but it was simply another bump in the long road of unseen potholes.

When we meet the higher plateaus of the city I see his face coming towards me, it is filled with an anger I have only seen once before, that day in Mullion when my father had hit me in front of him.
Ferocious determination drives him to me as the rest of the world disappears. We are alone in the universe for a whole moment. Our eyes lock in a silent duel of wills, without words I know he's already telling me not to go through with my plan. Incinerating blue battles against green as the space closes in. He pauses but an inch away from my face. Even Ifran takes a step back.

"May I have a word in private?" He seethes. I know him too well not to see the complete dismay behind that fire.

I gesture to the unoccupied dome nearby, "I'll meet you at the entrance, Ifran. Prepare the others."

I don't need to look at him for confirmation. I enter the dome and await the explosion.

Kai follows with held breath, like a ticking bomb. He's waiting for Ifran to be out of ear shot.

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