25. Show

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I fought to ignore the pain in my stomach as I limped towards The Watcher checkpoint, where I was to meet back with Tag. I didn't bump into anyone. This area had already been cleaned out. As I turned into the dark shadow of a hallway, Tag kicked off from the wall. His smile faded when he took in my state.

"Omg, Serena. You have a knife in your stomach," he spoke with a shocked expression.
I rolled my eyes at his brilliance, "Oh. Really?! I hadn't noticed! Good thing you saw that!"
I coughed up another bubble of blood, making him run forward to help steady me.
"Let's get you to the pool to heal you up," His voice was filled with worry as I leant all my weight on him, starting to feel weaker after my ordeal. The edge of my vision starting to blacken making me question how injured I really was.

"Stay awake. Tell me what happened?" He asked, trying to keep me focused.
"Dax happened," I mumbled, eyelids drooping.
Tag sucked in a breath, "Where is he now?! Should we be warning somebody?"
"He's dead Tag. I had no choice. It was me or him," I was surprised at how calm my voice sounded, having admitted to killing someone. If anything, I sounded slightly irritated.
He nodded, lips spreading in a thin line, "He deserved it. Somebody had to do it."

When we got to the bottom of the stairs I was really out of breath, even though all my weight was being supported. Tag picked me up, mumbling an apology when I gasped in pain.
"I'd rather get you healed quicker, I don't like the colour you're turning."
I did feel cold, looking down at my hand I saw that it was covered in blood. Worse part was I didn't know if it was even mine.

Tag cradled me gently as he scaled the stairs with ease. Compared to my freezing skin, his felt like it was on fire, making me shiver as my body sought relief.
He carried me all the way to the pool and started to wade in, "We have to pull the knife out before you turn. Or you'll be in real danger."
I could only nod, a cold sweat forming on my brow, "Just get it over with."

He grasped the hilt of the knife, looking at me warily, "Ready?"
I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest.
My whole body set on fire as he plucked the metal from me, sending pain shooting through my whole being like a swarm of angry bees.

He submerged me at the same time. I gulped at the water with hungry lungs, feeling the sorely missed magic calling to me with a greater force than I had ever encountered. I could feel my skin repairing itself, tickling sparks sewing me back together, bringing me back to life.

The last time someone had to help me transform, Kai had just saved me from my father.
A different pain shot through me, piercing my heart. In some ways this was worse than a knife. I knew this pain could not be healed.

When I was in one piece again I pulled myself from the water, transforming back. We weren't done here. Even if I had lost the only person I had ever loved.

"Get me a dress. I need to finish this."
Tag got out of the pool, his lip turning up in a small smile, but his lilac eyes were sad, "Lead the way."

We found Sky in the planning room. She leant over her map. Crosses sat over the sectors we had conquered. All that was left to do was convert the residents.
"Sky. I killed the cameras," How did I sound so strong when I had nothing left?

Sky looked up from under her raven hair, "Good work. I heard you killed Dax?"
Jeez, word travels fast.
"Yes. He tried to stop me."
She seemed happy at the prospect, "I kind of wanted to do it myself. But dead is dead, you have done well. Get changed and get back to the ballroom. We'll need some crowd control."

Dismissed, I picked out a similar dress from the pile and changed behind the curtain. Smoothing it out as I stepped next to Tag.
He took my hand as we headed to the ballroom, "Freedom calls," he whispered, almost to himself.
"Hopefully," I murmured back.
He squeezed my hand as we stood outside the ballroom door. A happy melody drifted through the panels, making me feel more tired than happy.

I pushed it open and stepped into the merry crowd, though I felt far from merry. The dancing was still growing strong and the chatter had gotten louder as the drinks had continued flowing. Inhibitions of the residents had began to fall away. Though I could tell who a lot of The Watchers were. Purely from the shifting eyes and the sober stances. But alcohol would aid me in controlling the crowd when things went south.

I danced with Tag, keeping my eye on the situation around me. I could see my decoy was still going. Mum still stood on the podium, watching with a small smile on her face.

"May I cut in?" A raspy voice asked.
I felt Tag stiffen slightly, but he released me, "Sure."
Why would he do that when he knows everything was about to kick off? I frowned to myself, not looking up at the man who wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me into the dance. I sighed, continuing to survey the crowds, I wouldn't have to dance with this stranger long.

The man didn't speak for a long while, "You look beautiful tonight, my brave Serena."
I heart rose into my throat as I looked up at him finally. No words found their way from my brain as my breath hitched. Suddenly all the emotions that had held themselves inside since it all went down in Senima came pouring out, spilling down my cheeks in rivers.
"Kai," I whispered brokenly between quiet sobs, "He told me you were dead. He told me you were dead and I believed him."

"Shhhh. Don't cry," he pulled he in closer as I wrapped my arms around him like he was the only thing keeping me alive. I buried my face in his chest breathing him in, looking up into those heartbreakingly beautiful blue eyes.
He wiped the tears from my face, "I told you I wouldn't leave you," that lopsided grin appeared on his features.

My heart thrived for that smile, "I'm so sorry," I pleaded, "I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's all my fault."
He laughed at me, "You silly girl. This wasn't your fault. Dax was always going to come for me. You're the reason that all those people were freed from those cells. You're the only reason I'm still alive. You have given these people a reason to hope. A reason to fight. You are magnificent, just as you have always been."

"How can you forgive me? Just like that? I left Kai. If I had stayed things might have been different. If you had never met me, you would be in Senima. Safe, with your family. I'm not worth all the trouble I've caused. I haven't anything to offer. I will understand if you want to leave me after this Kai. I really will," My breath stuttered as I tried to calm myself.

His blue eyes held mine with an unfathomable depth, "I will not be leaving you. You are enough Serena. You were always enough."


Hello! Hope you're enjoying so far! Remember to vote and comment!
If you're enjoying this story, why not check out my current project "GRIM", have you ever wondered what life is like after death? Well you might find out!
Haha shameless plug, no regrets. 😂👍🏼

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