14. Lead

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I stood with Athena in a small courtyard behind the throne room. It had some beautiful plants that I had never seen before. A giant leaf stood on its thick stalk, giving a natural green shade to our meeting. I hadn't spared Kai a glance as I left him sitting there in the middle of the throne room.
He hadn't even tried to defend himself. He hadn't even tried to fight for me.
He had betrayed me.
My heart was deeply aching at that realisation. I was nothing more than a mission to him.
I tried not to think about what that mean't for me now.
Athena lightly touched my arm, stealing my thoughts, "He does care Serena. And I will send you back tonight, where you should confront him. Because he dealt with it foolishly, partly because he was caught off guard, partly because you are fiercely predatory when you are angry. But your mind is your own, so you must make the decision as to where you belong. You have a place here in the palace should you want it."
"Forgive me. But I would rather not think about Kai right now," I shocked myself with the cold empty voice that came from me.
Athena nodded in understanding, a small smile gracing her royal lips, "Then we shall begin. My powers are directed through touch, affecting only one subject at a time. They are limited to emotional and verbal thought," As she said this she pressed my wrists, sending a variety of emotions through me, "Where as your powers appear to be unlimited to subjects within a specific area, which is disputable as the arena is a large space and you have not pushed your boundaries yet. But for now we will work under that premise. I am made to understand you can communicate with all mediums, even out of mer-form. As I'm sure you have discovered, all can communicate speech when in the water, but that's where their powers end. Tanners often get small advantages, some of us greater than others," She released my wrists and took a couple of steps back, "What I want you to do today is to impair my sight. Make me see something that isn't here. This would be an incredible advantage in a fight. Go ahead."
I waited as she stood there staring at me, "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."
Athena silenced me, "Get on with it."
I reached out with my mind, her aura standing out in the small space. I wasn't sure how to begin as my conscious mixed with hers. I sent an image of two of me, standing in front of her.
Athena's brow raised, "I can sense what you're trying to do, but right now the image is just yours, you have to alter the image that is mine."
I tried again, focusing on her thoughts. I saw her conscious drifting as I tried grab onto her sight. She was trying to stop herself thinking of something, I supposed she just didn't want to let loose any of her secrets. I saw flashes of faces I didn't know as she pushed them away, one stood out in particular, a woman with sharp features and stern green eyes, I knew she was my mother.
But I chose not to dwell on it. I would never know that woman. I finally gripped the image of myself, forming another of me within it.
Athena gasped, "That's it. You've done it. This is good," She said walking towards the two versions of me, swiping through the fake one, "Now we need you to learn to achieve this without the person knowing. You'll have yourself a great defense using this. But that comes with practise," Clapping her hands with glee she continued, "Now, I want you to make me feel like you've just slapped me. Don't worry about hurting me, as it will all be in the mind. Just like the den. You can do it."
I did as she asked, reaching into her mind again. Images of my father flickered through as I tried to remember what it felt like. It felt like it was happening to me too as I forced the emotion, knocking us both to the ground. Athena gasped, grabbing her cheek as she got back up, amused that I had achieved the task.
"Sorry," I gulped, holding my own cheek with discomfort, "Coming to think of it. Whenever its been a physical feeling. I've experienced it with the person. I don't think I can separate myself."
Athena frowned, "Well you might have to learn to get over that. If you can handle the pain. You could wipe out your opponents without touching them. So you had best learn to like it."
I grimaced at her insensitivity, simply nodding.
She continued to drill me relentlessly for hours until my mind was throbbing with exertion.
I felt the hot liquid drip from my nose before I saw the drop of crimson fall to the earth, absorbed by the soil.
"No more. Please," I breathed, trying to catch the blood.
Athena threw me a cloth, "Wipe your nose. We're done for today. Go to the training grounds. We need you strong. Aella!" She yelled.
I was surprised to see the burgundy glare of Aella as she appeared in the doorway.
She growled at Athena, "What do you want mother?"
I didn't have her pinned as royalty at all, still wearing her netted top and harem trousers. Yet I could see the resemblance in the fire of her eyes.
I held the cloth tightly to my dripping nose, it wouldn't stop bleeding.
Aella barely acknowledged me as she awaited her instructions.
Athena rolled her eyes at her daughters lazy appearance, "Take Serena to the training grounds. Teach her the trident."
Aella gave me a lazy toothy grin, "My pleasure."

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