30. Waiting

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The living room was just as I remembered it. Apart from the fact it was slightly charred, the furniture remained completely unharmed. We now sat around the layered rock table. Tag took Riley's old seat. The pain it caused the others was evident. Luckily Tag had not noticed and everyone was kind enough not to mention it aloud.

They waited expectantly for Kai to speak. I could see he was finding it hard to break the news.
I decided the burden should be mine, "There's going to be a war," I speak the words without emotion, knowing that I couldn't get my words out otherwise.

Silence drops in the room as everyone simply stares, awaiting me to break and tell them its all a joke.
I take a deep breath, "They've been forcing all of the tanners in the city to register. We are to join the guard as a special force to fight on land."
"To fight what on land?" Anahi exclaims.
"The humans."

Protests fly across the room.

I wait for them to calm down before continuing, "But that being said, I believe you will not be dragged into it. Only sirens like me."
Tag had remained silent up till now, "So they're forcing you to fight. Again," His anger was evident as he seethed from the other side of the table, "Why can't you just say no?"

"The rule applies to all tanners. And I am a tanner," I try to make it sound as honest as possible. I can't jeopardise these people any further. If my decision would not affect them, I'd already be at the gate, trying to escape.
Tag had just escaped one nightmare. This one wasn't his to suffer through.

He knows somethings not quite right, but I'll just have to keep him from finding out exactly what that something is.

Avoiding eye contact, I absentmindedly fiddled with a piece of ash as everyone seemed to chew on their lips, finding something to say.
Alvor is staring intensely at nothing, I know that images of his lost brother are playing on his mind.
"I'm sorry," Anahi came out with, genuine sadness in her eyes, "That this is happening to you."
"We can leave," Tag speaks suddenly, like he has come up with the winning idea, "You don't have to stay here. We'll find a new home."
"All tanners are being held within city confines until further notice," Kai's voice interrupts Tag.
Outrage plays on his features, "So she's a prisoner again? We've faced this before. How are we going to get out of it this time? Let's come up with a plan."
"We aren't going to get out of it. I am joining the guard. I am joining the war. End of conversation," I state.
"You can't be serious," Tag argues, eyes ablaze, "Do you want more people to die?"

"Enough. I don't want to hear anymore about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired."

"I think it's time we all get a good rest," Kai jumps in, just as Tag looks to argue. I was grateful for the interception.
"Tag, you can have my room," Kai offers, pointing to the dome across the burnt courtyard. That was the only area that had taken real damage.

Anahi stands, picking up an already sleeping Ebony from her chair, "Goodnight everyone," she chimes, taking her leave, Ebony's little face resting on her shoulder.
One by one we stand, heading to our beds on dead feet.
Walking through the archway towards my old room made me think of the last time I'd been here, leaving for the palace. So many mistakes I had made, always thinking of myself.

Kai followed close behind me, his eyes falling back to the living room.
Tag remains there, pacing with thought. I wanted to console him, but I was afraid he would figure out Athena's threat and get himself into trouble.

When I passed through the curtain into the familiar space, I paused to take it all back in.
"I never thought I'd see this place again," I walk over to the bed, brushing my fingers over the silken sheets.
"None of us thought we'd see this place again. But thanks to you, here we are," He says, wrapping me in his arms.
The words gave me comfort, somehow this man had the power to take away all my troubles, even if just for a moment.

Pulling him onto the bed with me, we collapsed with exhaustion in each others arms.
I rested my head on his warm chest. The good thing about having travelled through the ocean meant we had not been soiled from the effort. Kai's skin smelt like the ocean breeze next to my cheek.

"Serena?" His voice rumbles in his chest.
"I don't want you to fight in this war."
"I know," I reply, unsure of how to explain why I have to.
"What did Athena say to you when they dragged me out?"
"You noticed that huh?"
"Mhm," He confirms, absently brushing his fingers in patterns over my arm.
"I can't tell you. But I can't run away from it this time," I continue before he can argue, "I know you might think that is wrong. But please don't ask. Just trust that I have your best interest in mind."
I feel his touch still for just a moment, "I trust you. You know I trust you. But you need to trust that I can take it. Don't carry the weight alone."
Resting my weight on my elbows, I look into his ice blue eyes, "It's because of you that I don't have to carry this weight alone."

At that moment the Skycrystals gave way to night, casting a silver glow over his features.
He brushes my cheek with a gentle hand, "I love you, I hope you know that," He whispers, sending my heart skipping a beat.
I press a light kiss on his soft lips before resting my head back on his chest, "And I love you."

He stretches with a yawn, before pulling me closer.

I could hear his heart beating, breath slowing until he was fast asleep. I wanted to remember this forever. The feel of his strong arms holding me close, his warm skin against my face.
I could tell he was dreaming by the way his eyes fluttered behind the lids. I wished I could see what he was dreaming about. His brow was slightly furrowed as his dream tortured him. We were all damaged now.

I snugged a little closer to his side, giving in to my heavy lids.

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