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Alex's POV

I opened Magnus's door and walked right into his room and sat on the bed, clutching the book I had just finished reading firmly in my hands. "Oh my gods, Magnus I need to ramble about this book RIGHT NOW!" I looked at him, sleeping comfortably in his bed. He looked so cute, so peaceful. I didn't want to wake him. But also, I didn't care.


He opened his eyes slightly, clearly disoriented.   "Alex?" he asked once he saw me sitting at the foot of his bed. "What are you doing here?" He looked over to the alarm clock on his bedside table. "It's five in the morning," he said sleepily.

"I know, that's why I came to you, I knew you'd be the only one who wouldn't kick me out of their room at this hour. I'm taking advantage of that big, gooey heart of yours that makes you feel bad for everything." I watched him turn on the lamp on the nightstand. "I can kick you out if I want to," he said grumpily. He gets that way when you wake him up.

"Oh, really?" I looked at him, eyebrow raised, challenging him to do so. "Yeah, totally, but lucky for you, I don't want to," he mumbled. I tried not to smile at his stupid, grumpy face.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked. "I'm not up early, I'm up late." He looked at me like I was insane for being awake at such an ungodly hour of the day. "Okay so I told myself I was going to read for 10-20 minutes before I went to bed, but next thing I knew, I checked the time and it was four thirty in the morning!"

"Oh my, that must be a good book," he said, genuinely trying to sound interested even while he couldn't keep his eyes open. "It was! I finished it in a few hours, I literally couldn't put it down."

"What's it called?" he asked, sitting up to try and get a glimpse of the book in my hand. "Red, White, and Royal Blue," I answered. "It's about this guy who is the son of the first female president of the United States. His name is Alex, too! He basically hates this guy named Henry, who is the prince of England, but they end up having to pretend to be friends for the press after a whole scandal involving lots of alcohol and a 75,000 dollar cake."

Magnus looked at me with exhaustion in his eyes, trying to process what I'd just said. All he said was, "Woah."

I looked at him for a second but kept going. "Anyway, it's really good, and it has gay representation, although some parts were a bit confusing and the writing style was a little too fast paced for me, and there were a lot of explicit scenes which made me a bit uncomfortable but it was still super good. I loved the story and I'm very sad that it's over."

He smiled, clearly happy to see me so excited about something, but I could see how tired he was. "Okay, mister, let's get you back to sleep." I crawled up to him and pushed him down into the bed till he was snuggled back in his blankets. "I'd say I'm sorry for waking you up, but I'm really not." I wrinkled my nose at him and he smiled up at me. "Thank you for listening, though, even though you're the worst commenter when you're sleepy."

"Of course. I'm sorry I suck." He looked up into my eyes, barely speaking loud enough for me to hear. "It's okay, stupid." I ruffled his hair.

I got under the blankets next to him, making sure he was covered up well. I put my book on the side table next to my side of the bed. I was happy I finished it, and happy I got to talk about it to my dumb boyfriend. But it didn't matter anymore, not more than Magnus. I spooned him, his back against my chest and kissed the back of his neck. "Goodnight, stupid face." He cuddled close to me and began to drift off.

Words: 724

Hi! I hope you liked this!! I just finished RWRB and those were my thoughts! Random question: what side of the bed did you imagine Magnus to be on, left or right (from his perspective)?

Anyhow, I hope you're all doing well! Thank you for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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