MCGA characters as things I've heard in high school

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Halfborn: Beetlejuice. It's cockroach water.

Mallory: You look like a stoner. You sound like a stoner. You are a stoner in general.

Alex: He got a boner in pre-k to another guy.

Alex: You're gay. You have HIV, bro. I don't make the rules.

Alex: I'm Mexican, did you know that?
Magnus: What does that have to do with this?
Alex: I'm a hard worker.

Alex: If you want to get your heterosexuality back, look at this for two hours.
Magnus: You're gayer than me!

Magnus: You said my dick is nice.
Alex: What about it?

Alex: I want to put ointment on your toes.
Magnus: Get the fuck away from me.

Halfborn: Big tittie-itus.
Mallory: *obviously concerned* whAt?


Words: 121

Let's ignore the fact that I haven't updated in months and that I'm really inconsistent with everything I do in my life!! Okay? Okay!

Anyway, yeah, sorry about being kinda gone. My brain isn't working with me lately and a lot of people around me are dying and getting sick. So that hasn't been particularly great.

Anyhow! I hope y'all enjoyed,,,,, whatever the fuck this is. Sorry it's so short. I saw it somewhere (the whole "characters as things I've heard in school" thing) a long time ago but I can't remember where so if you know, please leave a comment so I can give credit or something idk lol.

Also, feel free to point out any mistakes, and tell me if you agree with me on who says what or if you think someone else would fit the sentence better!!

Thanks for reading. Stay safe!

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