MCGA HC/Things That Have Definitely Happened

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• Alex and Magnus kissing on the couch when Mallory and Halfborn walk in, very embarrassed and sorry for interrupting. They try to say a long, awkward apology, but pretty much fail. Once they've been trying to say sorry for more than a minute, Jack decides to intervene and leads them out the door saying, "Just two boys making out on a couch, nothing to see here!"

• Magnus and Alex falling asleep in either of their beds and Maggie whispering, "but when I fantasize at night it's Alex Fierro's eyes." And Alex just saying, "shut up and go to sleep, you dork."

• Magnus looking like an absolute idiot while dancing to his favorite song and Alex telling him to stop embarrassing himself, but silently praying that his/her stupid boyfriend never stops being this cute.

• Maggie and Alex cuddling in bed, Alex's head resting under Beantown's chin, his/her lips to Magnus's Adam's apple. Magnus whispering, "you sure you're comfortable, Al? Cause if you're not then we can move. You can pull away if you need to breathe, or we can switch positions. Or you could just lay on top of me if you'd like, I don't mind. Just as long as you're comfortable." Alex just puts his/her hand over Maggie's mouth to shut him up and mutters, "I'm with you, Magnus, of course I'm comfortable." to which Magnus blushes.

• FierroChase going to a Twenty One Pilots concert and having the time of their lives while dressed in a lot of yellow.

• All of floor 19 going on a road trip. (That's it, that's all I'm giving you. Let your imagination flyyyyy.)

• Magnus walking in on Alex screaming along to a song by MCR and Alex being a little embarrassed, and Magnus looking rather confused before he joins him/her.

• FierroChase getting matching Panic! At The Disco hoodies.

• Maggie for sure invites Alex on reading dates all the time.

• Maggie buying a stuffed animal for Alex and spraying it with his cologne before giving it to him/her. When Magnus gives it to Alex, he/she tries to play it off as if he/she doesn't care much because it's just another one of Magnus's silly romantic gestures, but sleeps with it every night because it smells like his/her cute ass boyfriend.


Words: 383

Was this any good? I love headcanons so I thought I'd give this kind of writing a shot. Hope you liked it lol

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