Secret pt. 2

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Magnus's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew I was in deep shit, for Mallory Keen was standing at my doorway, laughing her stupid redhead ass off. (A/N: I'm not sure how that works, but let's just pretend it's funny.) She ran out of my room, closing the door behind her, but being loud enough to be able to hear her through the walls of my room, giggling and saying, "Ohhhh, I am so telling everyone!" I knew Alex would be furious at me for not locking the door, so I looked away from him. That is, until he grabbed my face and forced me to look him straight in the eyes.

"Magnus," he said in a terrifyingly calm voice. "Would you be so kind to EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!?!" His anger rose with every word he said. "Why wasn't the door locked?! I thought we agreed on always having our doors locked!!" He started pacing around the room.

"Alex, I am so sorry. I thought I'd locked it, I really did!" I was telling the truth. I had convinced myself I'd locked the door behind me when we entered the room, although now that I think about it, I believe I was too distracted by Alex's beauty to remember to close and lock it properly.

"What are we going to do, Magnus? They'll all know in the matter of minutes!" I could tell he was genuinely worried. "Is it really that bad if they know?" I asked. "Of course it is! The teasing will never end!" he yelled.

"I know they'll tease and make fun of us, but I really wouldn't mind if they knew." I said. "They're our best friends, our family. They deserve to know. And I would also like to be able to talk about my love for you with someone other than you and Jack." I finished. "Ey, Señor." Jack said from the restroom, where he'd been looking at himself in the mirror for the past few hours. "I thought we weren't telling Miss- no, pardon me- Mr. Fierro about our gossip nights."

I grimaced. "Well, Jack, I hadn't told him about.. that. I simply told him I talk about him to you. Thank you, though, for unveiling one of my biggest secret to my boyfriend!" I said, dying a little more inside, if that's even possible for a person who's already dead.

Alex didn't seem to pay much attention to Jack's remark, which was a relief. "I guess it wouldn't be that bad. We have tough skin, we can take the teasing, right?" Alex said. "Yeah, definitely. It would be kind of nice to not have to hide anymore. We could finally hold hands whenever we please." I was trying to convice him that this was okay, that it was a good thing. "Oh, come on, Magnus," he said, "you and I both know we'll do a lot more than just hold hands if given the chance."

"Aaaand, I believe that is my cue to leave," Jack said as he headed towards the door. "You're right, Mags," Alex said. He held out his hand, so I took it. "It can't be that bad. The teasing is worth it if I get to look at you whenever I want, however I want," he continued. I smiled at him and said, "Well, I guess we better go confront them, then, huh?"

Jack- and gods, I don't know how- somehow opened the door, and all our friends toppled over onto my floor.  "Way ahead of ya," said Halfborn, looking up at us from the ground

After about half an hour of questions and discussions, I finally got TJ, Halfborn, and that wretched Mallory Keen out of my living room and into my foyer. "You'll tell us more tomorrow?" Mallory asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "Uh, sure," I said, confused on what more she wanted to hear about. I forced them to the door. "Take care of Magnus for me, Alex," TJ yelled so that Alex would hear from the living room. "Will do, buddy," Alex called back. "Alright, that's enough for today. Off you go, bye bye." I pushed them out of my room and closed the door infront of me, making sure to lock it properly this time.

I walked over to my living area and threw myself on the couch next to Alex, exhausted from the interrogation and jokes. "We're in for a ride," he said, looking at me with humorous worry on his face. I chuckled and admired him lovigly. "I guess we are. But it's worth it." I looked him in the eyes. "You're worth it," I finished.

"Ugh," he rolled his eyes. "You're such a dork." I smiled and said, "You love me." I pulled him close to me, and we stayed there. On the couch. Just existing. Together.

"So what's this about gossip nights I hear, huh?" Alex asked out of the blue. "Oh, shut up." He laughed and I poked him in the ribs and hugged him tighter.


Words: 845

That was long. It took forever to write, I'm so sorry. And sorry if it's kinda shitty, I'm still getting the hang of writing again, since I haven't really done much of it over the past few months. Hope y'all liked it either way.

Also, I kinda feel the need to quickly mention that my pronouns are he/him, for anyone that didn't know. They/them is fine, but I much, MUCH rather be referred to as a dude lmao. Thank you, and sorry for being annoying lol.

(P.S. if y'all could please go over to my message board and answer the question within the long ass paragraph I wrote a few days ago, it would be much appreciated, but don't feel obligated. Thank you!)

Happy reading!

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