Cutest thing in the entire fucking universe

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Magnus's PoV

Alex Fierro had been my best friend for about a year. We were pretty close, even though Alex was a bit reserved and wouldn't tell me much about her personal issues.

I had accepted that I had a crush on her, but I would never admit it. She would've probably sliced my head off with her garrote if I said anything.

Still, I would fantasize about her at night. I saw her brown and amber eyes every time I closed mine. I would imagine what it would be like to reach over, grab her hand, and pull her into a kiss.

But this wasn't the time to think about her that way. I was almost certain she didn't like me, and I wasn't about to let myself get hurt. But there was that almost.

Alex and I walked on the sidewalk, talking about Mallory and Halfborn's last fight. Y'know,  the usual.

He was definitely male. I don't know how I could tell, really. I kinda just knew.

"I just don't get it," he said. "What's the point of fighting constantly? Like, wouldn't they rather- or at least try to- be a happy couple? I seriously don't understand wh- Hey are you listening to me?" He asked, waving his hand in front of my dazed face. I realized I actually hadn't been paying much attention to what he was saying. I had been staring. Thinking.

"Uh, yeah. Well, no, sorry," I apologized. He smiled as if he was used to it already, and for some reason didn't mind. "It's okay, man. I zone out a lot, too. My brain never stops pacing. I'm always thinking..." he paused, "about stuff."

"Stuff? What kind of stuff?" I was kind of curious to know what happened inside Alex Fierro's head.

"Oh you know, just... stuff."

I didn't want him to feel forced to talk so I just nodded.

"What do you usually think about? When you zone out, I mean." I guess he wanted to know what went on inside my head.

I wanted to tell him everything, I really did. But I didn't want to risk loosing our friendship. He was the best friend I'd ever had. And I knew I would never forgive myself if I threw our bond away as easily as Hamilton threw away Eliza's love.

"Not much," I shrugged. "Seriously? Not much? Every time we're together you seem to be somewhere else!" He threw his arms up in the air. "I mean, yeah, I think about a lot of things, but it's all bullshit. None of it matters," I explained, hoping he would drop the subject. I didn't want to be pressured into telling him the truth with him not even knowing that's what he was doing.

"I'm sure there's something of importance that goes through your brain," he said expectantly.

"Nope, it's pretty much all about falafel," I smirked. I was praying (and I'm an atheist) this would make him laugh, not only cause his laugh was the cutest thing in the entire fucking universe, but also because I needed him to get sidetracked and forget about this, and I thought maybe humor would do the trick.

"Magnus, we're literally on our way to get you some falafel, calm your shit down." He giggled. Fuck, that giggle. I melted into the Earth's core with that giggle. I smiled at him dreamily.

Then I realized the falafel thing had worked. He'd gotten sidetracked.

"Really, though. Tell me what goes on inside that skull," he poked my forehead.

Fuck, I thought. Fuckity fuck fuck.

"I just fantasize a lot," I said. His eyes went wide. "Oh my gods! No! That's not what- I didn't mean- I-," I stammered. He snorted. 

"Who's the lucky lady?" He teased. "I don't know about lucky. And I don't know about lady.... today." We stopped abruptly. I looked up at him. I hated that he was taller than me. It made me feel even more vulnerable. "What do you mean?" He looked like he couldn't wrap his mind around what I'd just said. "You mean you... you-,"

"I like you." I cut him off. I looked down to the floor, waiting to be killed. Many things raced through my head. I was scared. I didn't want to lose him.

"I- I understand if you don't like me back. That's totally o-okay. I'll get over it," I assured him, but I honestly wasn't so sure about that myself.

I felt like I was choking. Like I was trapped. I wanted it to be over.

But then something happened. Something that made me want to stay in that moment forever. I'm actually pretty sure time slowed down because it was the longest- and best- moment of my life. And I think you already know what it was because nothing else would've made me feel that way.

Alex took my face into his hands and pulled me closer. He looked into my eyes, eager to kiss me. And then he did.

He pressed his lips against mine. I'm pretty sure I shit my pants with excitement at that moment. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. Still, I wanted more. I wanted to explore every part of him. But I knew it wasn't the time, so I just enjoyed what was happening. And gods, did I enjoy it.

He pulled away from me, out of breath. "Wow." He mumbled. I chuckled. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I was surprised by how touchy he was being. He usually hated physical contact.

I didn't take it for granted. I held onto him tightly, making sure he was real. I didn't want to let him go.

I finally looked up to stare into his eyes. They were gorgeous, as usual, thanks for asking.

"So.. does that mean you like me too?" I joked. He laughed, throwing his head back. He looked back down at me.

"Of course I do, idiot."

The rest of the walk to Fadlan's Falafel was great. Alex took my hand into his and stayed close. Sure, we got some weird stares, but nothing could've ruined our good moods.

We bought falafel for everyone- meaning all of Floor 19- and went back to Hotel Valhalla.

Falafel and Alex Fierro? I had never been happier.


Words: 1051

Sheesh, that was long. I usually write things that are 300-500 words. I really enjoyed writing this, though, so I hope you liked it. Are short scenes better, or do you prefer long ones?

I apologize for any grammatical errors, I didn't have much time to proof read so there will probably be some things that I missed.

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