Fierrochase as text conversations i've had before pt.2

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TJ: [Alex] ur just mad cuz all that anger in such a small space? No bueno.
Alex: ok but we've established that before, let's move on.

Mallory: is it really that irrelevant when that's the only thing people think when they see you?
Alex: that I'm tiny & angry?
Alex: is that what I look like 💀

Magnus: bro I feel like such a bad boy 😎 so there was this book I didn't like the ending to so I ripped out the last page and threw it away & pretended the second to last chapter was the actual last one

Alex: omg read it, it ends up being gay
Halfborn: nah
Alex: Shut up, Sodium.
Halfborn: BITCH

TJ: sarcastic girls are the best type of girls
Magnus: I'm in between ballsy girls & soft girls

Alex: my sister just said "chickens have bigger boobs than me, [Alex]"
Alex: and I-
Alex: I jus-
Alex: Umm??
Mallory: wait but chickens don't even have like actual boobs
Alex: ExAcTLy

Magnus: I'd rather be skinny with no ass and no boobs than just fat
Magnus: I do have nice legs tho
Magnus: y'all can say anything, but can't say I don't have meaty legs
Magnus: bc I do
Magnus: & I enjoy them

Ok yes, this was said by one of my female friends, but I just found it hilarious and decided Maggie had to say it.

Magnus: I'm hiding in the restroom
Magnus: Cause I'm scared
Magnus: Of people
Magnus: But THEY should be the scared ones
Magnus: Cause I'm gay
Magnus: And gay peeps are powerful
Magnus: I'm not powerful tho
Magnus: Fuck
Magnus: K bye

~ A few minutes later ~

TJ: what the fuck did I open my phone up to?
Alex: "gay peeps are powerful" lol
Magnus: We are

Alex: my influence
Magnus: lmao I know
Magnus: you've turned me into a monster
Magnus: and I honestly do not hate it a single bit
Alex: :)

Hearth: my bi ass is so confused
Magnus: wait wh-
Magnus: how d-
Magnus: Huh?
Hearth: idk man
Hearth: idk

Magnus: [Alex]? You there?
Alex: no
Magnus: k bye then
Magnus: Or should I say...
Magnus: You know what? It's not even worth it

Alex: I think I might be high
Alex: lol I'm just kidding :,)
Alex: I'm alone in my sister's room cause she left me and there is literally no one here to love me or give me any attention
Mallory: oof

Jack: I can't not have someone paying attention to me for longer than 5 seconds
Jack: I flip my shit

Alex: omg
Alex: I stan
Magnus: course you do
Magnus: it's me

Alex: Crackhead vibes ✨
Alex: jk that's me
Alex: I make so many "jokes" about being a crackhead my FBI agent is staring at me through my phone being like "wyd"
Mallory: let's be real tho
Mallory: it both of us

*At three in the morning on a school night*

Alex: why are you awake?
Magnus: Umm
Magnus: You see
Magnus: Well...
Magnus: uhhh
Magnus: yeah, I can't come up with an excuse; I'm sleep deprived
Magnus: I'm watching The Fosters
Alex: oh
Alex: fair excuse

Mallory: *sends self-deprecating meme that is clearly a cry for help*
Mallory: us
Magnus: u s
Alex: U S

Magnus: I want to take another nap
Alex: ugh same
Alex: but like a 24 hour nap
Alex: I want a coma
TJ: I want the dead
Magnus: I want Dodie
Magnus: but like I can't have her so I'll take death as well
Alex: wait, we're already dead

That last part fit so perfectly oh my gods I love everything.

TJ: y'all are gay
Magnus: You are too
Magnus: but no one out gays me
TJ: girl try me
Alex: idk man I'm PRETTYYYYY gay

Mallory: dropping my old toxic annoying self is self care 👄

Sam: except for 3rd grade me
Sam: she was a 😎kool kid😎 who played Minecraft even though she was a girl
Sam: I broke all kinds of social standards & gender roles

Sam: but i only had like 5 friends so that doesn't say much

I put Alex bc that really says a lot since Alex only counts as a girl friend most of the time, not all lol.

(In a group chat between TJ, Alex, and Magnus) TJ:

Magnus: how'd you get a picture of my last tea party?Alex: The cat, golden retriever, and the small ass chipmunk is us TJ: who's who? TJ: I'm guessing you're the chipmunk cause you're small Alex: yea obviously Alex: The golden retriever is [Magnus...

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Magnus: how'd you get a picture of my last tea party?
Alex: The cat, golden retriever, and the small ass chipmunk is us
TJ: who's who?
TJ: I'm guessing you're the chipmunk cause you're small
Alex: yea obviously
Alex: The golden retriever is [Magnus] because [he's] sweet and loyal and just the cutest thing?? Ever?
Alex: and ur the cat, bc ur grumpy and scratch
TJ: lmao

Yes, I know the last thing Alex said doesn't really make much sense cuz it's TJ but my friend is hilarious and i wanted to put it in (omg hehe that's what he said. Sorry)

Magnus: so we're all raccoons but you're the most raccoon out of us three
Alex: mhm
Alex: sometimes it be like that
Magnus: I mean you are the smallest one out of us so..
Alex: shut up

See? I told you I'd update ;)

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