Random headcanons

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•Magnus makes little bead bracelets for Alex and Alex makes clay figures for Magnus

•Imagine Magnus and Alex having a picnic date in a park at night and dancing in the moonlight (I'm very sentimental rn, don't judge my cheesy-ness levels)

•What do you think FierroChase's song is? I think it should be Tear in My Heart by Twenty One Pilots

•Magnus owns a lot of stuffed animals and Alex makes fun of him for it but s/he secretly finds it cute and loves going to his room to nap in his bed bc of them

•Maggie picks flowers for Alex every time he sees some outside

•I feel like Alex would love MLP and Magnus would watch it with him/her and fall in love with it, too

•Alex definitely has a "crush" on Fluttershy. And Magnus has a "crush" on Discord
They don't realize the characters they're crushing on are quite similar to their s/o in some ways.

•Imagine the Floor 19 gang but set in the Arrowverse so everyone has a cool superhero(!) power!

•I bet if FierroChase had to do online classes, they'd sit side by side and do their work together but constantly fight and get annoyed of each other. But then they come back to each other eventually because they hate working alone.


Words: 222

Fluttershy anda Discord are my favorite MLP characters, don't judge me, I identify with them 😩😩

Anyway hi!!! I haven't updated in a long while so I am feeding you some content before I go MIA for six months once again 😎🥳

No but really, it's my last month of school and I have 2 AP exams I need to do and a 4 page research paper I need to write so yay lol! I'll still try to be active but I can't really promise anything, I'm sorry!!! But eh I'm sure you're all used to it by now LMAO, I'm never here.

I hope you liked these! Tell me what you think of them. I'm excited for y'all to comment so we can interact so even if you don't have anything to say about the headcanons, just say hi!!

Thank you so much for sticking with me and continuing to read my dumb stories, y'all. It truly means the world to me.

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