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Magnus's PoV

I woke up with a grinning Alex looking down at me. "Gods, Alex. You scared me," I whined. He laughed. I loved the sound of his laugh. I felt the sound waves move through my body, making me feel wide awake.

"Sorry," he apologized, smiling shyly. He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. I could smell his coconut shampoo as his green hair fell on either side of his face.

He sat up again. "You slept a long time, Maggie," he giggled. "I was tired." I rubbed my eyes, sitting up on my bed to look down at my small boyfriend.

My boyfriend, I thought. I'll never get tired of that. Nor 'girlfriend' on female days.

I pulled him into a hug. He melted into me, making a sound like a kitten's purr. My whole body vibrated. "You know," he said, "we hadn't had alone time in a long time. This is nice." He smiled up at me, his chin on my chest. I laughed. "Yeah, it is."

He pulled away to pick up his messy morning hair with a hot pink hair tie he had around his wrist. When he was done, he just started at me. "I don't get it," he said. I was confused. "Don't get what?" I asked. "How the Hel were you born this cute?"

"Okay, what's wrong? Did something happen while I was asleep? Please tell me Blitz and Hearth are okay." He looked offended. "What's that supposed to mean?" He slapped my arm playfully with the sleeve of his shirt. "Nothing. Just that you're never like this. This... nice." He gasped dramatically, saying, "But I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet!" I sighed and said, "Whatever you say, sweetheart." He cringed at the nickname, clearly mortified. I silently patted myself on the back.

"Okay, fine, I give up. I can't keep doing this. I'm never this nice, and I'm never going to be. Truth is, I wanted to put you in a good mood so that maybe you would agree to watch a suspense film with me." He gave me his best puppy eyes. "No." His puppy eyes intensified. "Alex, no. I'm not watching a movie that will give me nightmares."

"It's only a suspense movie! At least it's not horror. Plus, you watched the first one, now you have to watch the sequel." I was baffled at first, for I never watch movies with jump scares or anything that will frighten me, but then remembered he had been talking non-stop about Happy Death Day 2 for the past week. "Ugh, fine, I'll watch it, but only because I'm intrigued as to who the new killer is because I know they can't make it the same one." He smiled and asked, "But also because you love me, right?" I rolled my eyes. "I thought that was a given." He grinned so wide, making me want to kiss him.

I pulled him close to me to kiss his wonderful lips, but he moved his face to the side so my mouth landed on his cheek. "Let me kiss you," I groaned. He just shook his head and said, "Nope. Can't. Sorry. Got to go take a shower and get ready for our date- because this is gonna be a date, obviously- and you probably should too 'cause you look like a raccoon." He smirked. "A cute one, though, right?" He chuckled. "You wish."

Then he stood up, kissed my forehead, and left my room to go take a shower in his own bedroom.


Words: 595

This is pretty out of character for both of them, I feel like. But hEY it's cute. Hope ya liked it.

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