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Just so y'all know: anyone is free to use any of my headcanons to write something. Just tag me or tell me on my message board; I'd love to read them if you do so!!

• Alex being really really in love with Magnus, but s/he won't admit it to him/herself nor anyone else, and Magnus being really in love with him/her too, but he doesn't want to act on it because he's sure that he'll be decapitated if he says anything. So they basically are so in love with each other but neither of them quite knows how much.

• both Magnus and Alex being really bad at hugs, but eventually finding comfort in each other's awkwardness.

• Maggie for sure never checks if there is toilet paper when he's about to use the restroom, so Alex is definitely always having to bring him some

• Alex loves to sleep o n t o p of Magnus but s/he won't admit it

• Alex: idiot
Magnus: love you too, Al

• Alex is super sarcastic and is always saying mean things and Magnus, the kinda sorta very stupid boy we all know and love, actually thinks s/he is being serious

• The only thing Magnus wants to do is make Alex happy and the only thing that will make Alex happy is kissing Magnus. He gladly makes him/her happy every day.

• Magnus says "I love you" first, but it isn't even on purpose, he says it in his sleep

• Alex buys flowers for Magnus, Maggie is all flustered and red, Alex says, "You're an idiot, Magpie." then kisses him, and Magnus gets even more flustered and red.

• Magnus gets Alex some concert tickets for MCR (no one fucking dare. Let me dream) for Christmas and Alex gets so excited s/he forgets where they are: the floor 19 common area, and kisses Magnus right there in front of everyone without giving a single fucking fuck


Words: 325

I wrote this SOO long ago and never posted it? Like, I wrote the entire thing (even the note thing at the very top lol) like two months and a half ago Ksksksk oops.

Also, I'm hoping past me did a good job with spelling because I do nOt feel like proofreading ;)

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