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-Magnus and Alex texting at like 5 in the morning and then Alex is like, "I need to pee." And Mags is like, "HEY ME TOO!" And they get excited over fucking urine.

-Alex getting really sad at random times and spending days in his/her room, and Magnus coming over and bringing him/her food and stuff to distract him/her

-Magnus getting Alex his/her favorite book series for his/her birthday because s/he didn't have physical copies in Valhalla, for they were left at his/her dad's house

-imagine Maggie and Alex learning how to bake together but all they do the entire time is yell at each other

-FierroChase planning on having a movie night but ends up being them competitively playing board games

-for Magnus's birthday, Alex gets him a box full of candy that he loves along with a little stuffed animal

- Magnus: I Loki love you
Alex: I fucking hate you

-FierroChase going to see Hamilton and both of them crying like the cute lil babies they both are on the inside

-Alex loving music so much that Magnus invites him/her on a date to just sit and listen to music

-Alex putting hair products in Magnus's hair to make it a little wavy and him/her being like "I'm a fucking artist"

Words: 222

Sorry for the inactivity, but here's a lil something. I'm working on something else and it's almost done so it'll probably be up either later today or tomorrow. Hope you liked these. Tell me which one was your favorite (if you wanna lol) 🤠

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