Gay jokes

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*in class*
Annabeth (trying to fold a paper in half): Miss, it won't come out straight.
Magnus: sAme

Alex: Pringles are straighter than me.

Magnus: I make gay jokes because I am a gay joke

Lmao I love this meme, sorry.

Magnus: *sings Smithereens to Alex*
Magnus (all out of breath): aren't you gonna kiss me or at least applaud?
Alex: it's just that... that was really...
Magnus: don't say it
Alex: it was very-
Magnus: Alex, don't you dare say it
Alex: that was so extremely and utterly...
Magnus: Alex-

Alex: you need to stop sleeping with a stuffed animal, Mags, it's gay
Magnus: hOw-

Random homophobic person (to Magnus): your shoes look gay
Alex (male): things can't l o o k gay, but my boyfriend sure can b e gay
RHP: uhhhh

Magnus: my mom had a gay egg once
Alex: what, like a rainbow Easter egg?
Magnus: no, like a baby egg. Ovum. It's me now.
Alex: alrighty then,,,

Magnus: I choked on a grape earlier
Alex: remind me why I'm dating you?
Magnus: cause I'm gay?
Alex: fair enough

Magnus: So, Al, what type of books do you like?
Alex: think like the gayest book you've read
Magnus: uhh alright
Alex: and multiply it by a thousand
Magnus: ookayy
Alex: and then like wrap it in rainbows
Magnus: umm
Alex: and sprinkle it in glitter
Magnus: how is glitter ga-
Alex: and then stick a picture of us kissing on the cover
Magnus: okay, now I'm concerned,,,
Alex: And there you have it, kid. My favorite kind of books.

Okay but this is literally me ksksks oops.

Magnus: I'm as straight as a noodle
Alex: yeah, I know
Magnus: like the fur of a poodle
Alex: yup, know that, too
Magnus: cause I'm gay
Alex: You know Mags, you really underestimate my knowledge sometimes

What Maggie said are actually lyrics from a song by a YouTuber called Kovu Kingsrod. He's great lol

I didn't revise and edit it, sorry.

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