Forgive me

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Okay I'm just here to say I'm sorry that I rarely update. I'm trying to write a few things but I just can't seem to get through them. I have really bad writer's block and I don't have much motivation. Life has been pretty hectic these past few weeks and I can't get myself to sit down and write. I'm sorry. I hope you understand.

But, I will try to upload a FierroChase as Text Conversations I've Had Before today, so look forward to that if you like those I guess lol.

I appreciate everyone who reads my stuff so much, I want you guys to know that. My work isn't the best, but I love doing it when I feel like it. And the fact that other people find any kind of pleasure reading my stuff is pretty fucking sick. That is, sick in a good way hahaha.  I'll try my best to do better. Love y'all

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