3. Possessed

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Jeongguk stood in the garden of their house, basking in the full moon light when he first heard the loud yell from the house. 

His eyes widened as he ran into the house to see what was wrong. 

"DID YOU USE MY SHAVING RAZOR?!" Taehyung yelled as he strode out of the bathroom with shaving cream all around his mouth and jaw. 

"Yeah, why?" Jeongguk asked in a small voice, not knowing why Taehyung seemed to be angry about that. 

Taehyung's eyes widened in anger and he threw the razor in his hand at Jeongguk, who barely managed to duck and avoid the hit. 

"WHY DO YOU KEEP USING MY THINGS?! YOU HAVE A FUCKING RAZOR OF YOUR OWN!! USE THAT, YOU FUCKING LOSER!!!" Taehyung yelled and threw the nearby vase at Jeongguk. 

"TAEHYUNG, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jeongguk yelled as he dodged the vase as well, flinching when the vase crashed onto the floor and broke into hundreds of pieces. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT THE FUCK?! I SAID STOP FUCKING USING MY THINGS!!" Taehyung yelled and walked forward to grab Jeongguk's collar. 

Jeongguk gasped and tried to run away from him. 

He couldn't understand what was wrong with Taehyung. He seemed to get angry for the smallest of the things that never used to bother him before. And Jeongguk couldn't even call it 'anger'. It was pure rage. 

"TAEHYUNG, STOP CHASING ME!! I'M SORRY, I WON'T USE YOUR RAZOR AGAIN!!" Jeongguk yelled as he continued running around the house, trying to avoid getting caught by a raging Taehyung. 

Taehyung, who was beyond simple rage by then, didn't even register Jeongguk's words. All he could think of was to catch hold of Jeongguk and beat him up until his own frustration reduced. 

What he didn't realize was that the frustration in him didn't start because of the razor. It had been there the whole day and it had nothing to do with Jeongguk or his razor. 

"TAEHYUNG, THIS IS TOOOTALLY UNNECESSARY!! WHY ARE YOU EVEN MAD ABOUT THAT?!" Jeongguk yelled. He was close to panicking. He could literally see fire in Taehyung's eyes and he had no idea how to stop him. 

Taehyung growled in return and ran faster, making Jeongguk yelp and dash into their bedroom. Taehyung slammed on the door with all his strength while Jeongguk got his belts and ties out and stood behind the door. 

He slowly unlocked the door and waited for Taehyung, who slammed on it again and stumbled into the room when the door burst open. 

Jeongguk took advantage of the moment and hurled a belt around Taehyung's neck from behind before dragging him towards the chair in the room using the belt. 

Taehyung struggled to get the belt away from his throat. "L-Let go" he growled, trying to get Jeongguk to stop dragging him with the belt around his neck, but Jeongguk didn't stop. 

He slammed him into the chair and tied him up to it as fast as he could while Taehyung kept struggling to get out of it the whole time. 

"What are you doing?" Taehyung glared at him, his voice coming out in a low growl. Jeongguk, even though was terrified of the whole situation, kept his calm and took a deep breath. 

"I will let you go after you calm down. This is ridiculous, Tae! Why the fuck are you even angry in the first place? Fine, I used your razor, but so what?! You never had a problem with it, so why are you suddenly trying to bite my neck off for that?!" Jeongguk asked angrily. 

Nothing made sense to Taehyung either. He didn't know why he was so angry, either. He just was. He had been angry and frustrated the whole day, but the second the sky started getting darker, his whole body physically started itching. 

He felt the need to choke something. Or maybe cut his own fingers and limbs off. 

"Stop" he snapped when he felt Jeongguk try to shave his face with a bowl of water under his chin. 

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and continued shaving his face. "Are you going to stay this way until you calm down? It's gonna damage your skin" he said as he gently stroke his face with the razor. 

Taehyung growled again and tried to struggle harder, making Jeongguk slam the bowl onto the floor and glare at him at the end. 

"Stop it!! I am seriously losing my mind over here, so stop this nonsense!!!" Jeongguk yelled, making Taehyung glare harder at him. 

"You know what? Go to hell" Jeongguk said and left the bowl of water at his feet. He stood up and used a towel to get the rest of the cream off Taehyung's face before settling down on the bed in the room. 

He spent the whole night listening to Taehyung's struggles against the chair, but he didn't let him go. He was terrified that Taehyung would kill him once he released him from the chair. 

He couldn't even wrap his mind around what was happening. It was as if Taehyung got possessed by some evil spirit. 

He was sure Taehyung couldn't even register the words that he had spoken the whole time. 

He didn't understand it. And he was scared out of his wits. He had never seen him like this, and it terrified him to no end. 

He tossed and turned around on his bed while Taehyung kept growling and glaring at him from his chair the whole night. 

"I said I won't let you go until you calm down!!" he exclaimed in the middle of the night, but that didn't stop Taehyung even for a single second. 

He sighed heavily with tears in his eyes and pulled his comforter up to cover his head. 'Is he really possessed? Why is he behaving like one?' he thought. 

He finally fell asleep when it neared dawn, failing to notice Taehyung, who almost passed out in the chair. 


Jeongguk woke up to Taehyung's soft voice. He shot up from the bed with wide eyes and stared at Taehyung fearfully. 

"Did you calm down?" he whispered. 

Taehyung closed his eyes and gave him a nod. "I'm sorry, Kook-ah. I don't know what took over me last night" he said. 

Jeongguk immediately burst into tears and got out of the bed to punch Taehyung in his chest. "You gave me the fright of my life" he cried. 

"I'm sorry Kookie. I'm really sorry. Let me go now" Taehyung said. 

Jeongguk nodded and walked around his chair to untie his ties and belts. "Don't do that again, I'm begging you" he pleaded, sniffling pathetically. 

"I won't. I promise" Taehyung whispered. 

Little did he know that this was just the beginning. 

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