43. The words

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Jeongguk had thought he understood the pain that Taehyung and the other wolves went through every month. 

Bones literally changed their shape. Very painful. Agonizing. Unimaginable. 

But now that his own body was transforming, he didn't understand why he tried to imagine the unimaginable. It was called 'unimaginable' for a reason, after all. 

If he could scream, he was sure every single bird would fly out of their neighbourhood in panic. However, instead of screaming, he showed his pain through howls. 

As his body contorted in all possible ways in the process of transformation, he suddenly didn't understand why he had waited impatiently for this day. 

He perfectly understood what Namjoon had meant when he said being a werewolf was a curse with a few benefits. The benefits weren't worth the agony. 

By the time Taehyung howled to signal the end of their transformation, Jeongguk's eyes rolled into his head and he lay limp on the ground. He gained consciousness after about an hour and found a brown wolf lying protectively on him. 

Literally on him. 

He whined and tried to get the wolf off of him, but when he tilted his head to get a proper look at the wolf, the ground literally disappeared under him. 

He scrambled to his feet with his wide blue eyes fixed on the red-eyed brown wolf. His lungs suddenly felt empty. Like the wind got knocked out of it. 

He didn't feel like his feet were stuck to the ground anymore. It felt as if the earth's gravitational force wasn't the one holding him in place on the earth anymore. As if the brown wolf's body had a gravitational force of its own. As if it was that gravitational force that was holding him in place on earth. 

He didn't notice how the brown wolf threw its head back and let out a loud, happy, celebratory howl. The rest of the wolves followed their Alpha and howled as well, but he was still too high to notice that. 

He couldn't think of anything else. He thought his center of existence was the earth. But now, he didn't feel that way anymore. It was the howling brown wolf that made his center of existence now. Like the focus of his life suddenly shifted onto the brown wolf. 

After a couple of minutes, his eyes turned back to gold and it was then that he noticed all of the wolves bowing down to him on all fours. He got down and bowed down to them as well. 

All of them got up and this time, they turned to face the brown wolf and bowed down to it. Jeongguk followed them as well. The brown wolf let out another celebratory howl and bowed down to them. 

The final bow of the Alpha marked the end of the imprinting ritual of the pack. Without wasting another second, the brown wolf pounced onto Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk slammed his mouth onto his imprint's mouth without any delay. They tried to do the deed right there, but the rest of the wolves pounced onto them and stopped them from going further. 

Taehyung tried to growl at them, but they growled back at him, and somehow, Jeongguk understood what the growls were about even if he couldn't hear their mental conversation yet. 

They did not want to watch him and his imprint do the deed in the basement. They wanted to play. 

Well, who was Jeongguk to say no to games? He could always jump his imprint when the other wolves left them alone. 

A human girl and a human boy threw two round objects at them. Before he could go and see what the objects were, a mysterious sound started coming from the table in the room. 

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