26. The drive

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"Did you ever think of being bi?" Taehyung asked as he drove to their home with Jeongguk sitting on the passenger sit along with a bag of chips on his lap. 

"No, hyung" Jeongguk said without missing a beat. 

"Hmm.......would you think about it at least in the future?" 

"I don't think so" Jeongguk said, but he did look like he was thinking deeply about something. 

"Hmm" Taehyung decided to give up for a while and began to concentrate on the road instead. 

"Aren't you hiding something from me, hyung?" Jeongguk suddenly asked after a while. 

"Who? Me? I am not hiding anything from you" Taehyung said nonchalantly, but Jeongguk could see how his grip around the steering wheel tightened. 


"Okay, okay, I didn't think you would catch on!!" Taehyung exclaimed. 

"Haha, very funny. Everyone knows about it!!" Jeongguk exclaimed back.

"What?! How?! I never told anyone about it!!" 

"Uhuh? Maybe everyone was already present?" 

"What?? No!! I never do that in front of other people!!" 

"What?! Why are you talking like this wasn't the first time you did it??" 

"Because...it wasn't...??"

"It wasn't?!?!?! Oh my god, how many more times did you....?!" 

"Ugh...are you really gonna pull secrets out of me like this??" 

"Of course!!" Jeongguk exclaimed incredulously. He couldn't believe he was really hearing what he was hearing. 


"You sound doubtful."

"Okay, okay, four. Just four. Not more." 

"FOUR?!?!" Jeongguk aggressively turned to his side to face Taehyung. "Who are the other three?!!" he asked. 

"Wait," Taehyung frowned at Jeongguk for a second before turning his head back to the road. "Are we not.....talking about the.....hoodies?" he asked hesitantly. 

"What?! Of course not!! We are talking about a certain art freshman who threatened a fourth year senior from my department to stay away from me!!" Jeongguk exclaimed while flailing his arms around wildly. 

"Ohh," Taehyung's ears turned a bright shade of red. "Look, I know you asked me to leave him alone, but I jus-"

"Wait, I am not mad at you. I know why you did it. You don't have to justify yourself. But you shouldn't have done it when people were around. I literally became the hot topic of our department" Jeongguk complained. 

"Wait, wait, wait......you are not mad at me?" Taehyung asked. 

"What?! Of course not! Why would I be mad at you for such small things?" Jeongguk asked and turned back to sit properly in his seat. He bent down to pick up the pack of chips that had fallen out of his lap earlier and turned to face the window. "I just wanted to tell you not to do such things in front of a crowd the next time" he mumbled with his lips pursing out in a pout.

"Ohh," Taehyung chuckled, "alright, babe. I'll keep that in mind."

"Don't call me that" Jeongguk mumbled again with his head still facing the window. 

"Why? I called you babe about a million times in my life" Taehyung pointed out nonchalantly. 

"But you never meant it that way before. I know you mean it that way now" Jeongguk mumbled again, not finding enough confidence in him to tell it out clearly and properly. 

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