20. I am straight

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"We still have to talk about that imprinting shit!!" Jeongguk exclaimed with a slight tone of disgust colouring his voice. 

"What about it?" Taehyung frowned. 

"Hyung, I'm straight! You are straight too!! How the hell can this happen?! You can't do this to me!!" Jeongguk exclaimed desperately. 

"I am not doing anything to you, Jeongguk. I am not asking you to like me back or anything. You go on with your love life, I won't stop you" Taehyung said. 

Jeongguk stood frozen with his jaw hanging open. "Hyung, that's not what I wanted to talk about" he said and came back down to sit on the bed. 

"Then what?" 

"Even if you force me to like you back, I won't be able to do that, so we don't even have to talk about it. What I actually wanted to talk about was if you are okay. I know you are straight too. This must have been a shock to you too, right?" Jeongguk asked. 

Taehyung took a deep breath and stared at the bed sheet under him for a while. "I am not straight, Jeongguk" he said eventually, his voice barely conveying the words to Jeongguk. 


"I am not straight" Taehyung repeated. 

"Yeah, I got that! I mean....from when...I mean...how the hell...no, I mean...just....what?!" 

Taehyung sighed again. "I am bisexual. I discovered it about a month ago" he said. 

"Ohh? Why didn't you tell me?!" Jeongguk asked. 

"How can I, when you are the reason I discovered it? I love you, Jeongguk, and not just as a friend or a brother, but as a man, as my everything, I love you" Taehyung whispered at the end and Jeongguk had to strain his ears to catch everything properly. 


"BUT, like I said, I won't force you to like me back. I know you are straight. Carry on with your life. I don't mind staying as your shadow" Taehyung continued. 

Jeongguk's jaw hung open once again. He slowly got up from the bed for the second time and walked back until the back of his legs hit Taehyung's empty bed. He sat down on that bed and looked up at Taehyung in a daze. 

"So you mean, you really do love me and it isn't just a result of some werewolf magic?" he asked. 

"Yes" Taehyung said. 

"But, hyung....y-you have to move on! You know I can't like you back like that" Jeongguk reasoned. 

"I can't, Jeonggukie. It might have been possible before, but I can't do that anymore. Not after I imprinted on you" Taehyung said. 

"Why so?" Jeongguk's voice wavered and Taehyung started feeling guilty for making him cry once again. 

"When we imprint on someone, our center of existence shifts from the Earth to the person we imprinted on. They become the reason we live. They become our Sun, Moon, Earth and the Stars. They become our everything. Once we imprint on someone, liking someone else, or even thinking of someone else romantically becomes as impossible as the Sun setting in the East" Taehyung explained. 


"So, like I said, you go on with your life. Just you being happy is more than enough for me. I will be there with you and live like your shadow and make sure you are safe and happy. You can stay assured about that" Taehyung promised. 

"Tae, what kind of idiotic promise is that?! I don't want you to suffer like that ever!!" Jeongguk exclaimed. 

"I don't think of it as 'suffering', Jeongguk-ah. It is an honour for me to do that" Taehyung said. 

Jeongguk gaped at him like he suddenly grew a butt above his head. "What nonsense.....what the hell are you talking about?! Hyung, you live your life, not mine!!"  

"I am liv-"

A knock on the door broke Taehyung's words off and Jeongguk hopped up to take the door. 

"Jeongguk, I'll take it, no wait, stop, it's the pack-" 

Jeongguk threw the door open before his brain could register Taehyung's words. "Ohh" he looked down immediately and let the three men walk in and closed the door behind them silently. 

"I can leave if you want" he mumbled in a small voice. 

"We came for you, Jeongguk-ah" Namjoon said and sat down on the empty bed. Yoongi sat down next to him while Jimin joined Taehyung on his bed. 

"Ohh?" Jeongguk said and leaned against the small desk in their room with his arms crossed. 

"I wanted to apologize for the thing that happened in the morning" Namjoon said. 

"OHH?" Jeongguk's voice grew louder out of surprise. 

"I don't apologize for testing you if you were trustworthy, because it is necessary for me to do that. I can't just blindly trust you and let you into my pack. 

But I am sorry for overreacting when you were just looking out for your best friend. Mr. Park explained everything to me, and I am sorry I unintentionally separated you from the only person you have in your life in the process. 

I should have told you about the pack and then should have tested you to see if you would listen to me or not, but I clearly didn't think that out properly. I am sorry for making you cry so much as well. I hope you find it in me to forgive me" Namjoon said with his head hanging down. 

"Does that mean you won't kick me out of your pack?" Jeongguk asked in a small voice, a little while after Namjoon finished his speech. 

"Of course" Namjoon said. 

"Then there's nothing to forgive, hyung. You did what you had to and I do understand why you had to do it. Everyone makes mistakes, hyung, so it is alright. I hope you forgive me for not listening to you as well" Jeongguk said. 

"Of course" Namjoon repeated, eliciting a huge grin from Jeongguk in return. "Come on, now. I won't hide anything from you anymore. We aren't attending classes today anyway, so lemme take a Werewolf Basics 101 for you instead" he said. 

Jeongguk gasped. "Really?!" he asked excitedly. 

"Of course" Namjoon grinned. "You gotta know everything about it, after all" he said. 

"Wooowww, lemme bring my notes, then" Jeongguk said and ran to his shelf, making the rest of them chuckle. 

"Snoopers can get in too!! I know this story never gets old!!" Namjoon exclaimed loudly and after a couple of seconds, the door to their room opened and three sheepish-looking 'humans' entered the room. 

"You three should know better than to eavesdrop on us" Namjoon said and chuckled. 

"Of course" Hoseok snorted and settled on the floor along with Seokjin and Jeongyeon. Jeongguk returned a few more seconds later with a notepad and a pen and sat down along with the 'humans'. 

"Alright, then. Lemme start from the beginning. Ever heard of the word lycanthropy?" 

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