38. Chaos

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Seokjin ran up to the agonized wolf to help it out of the strangling chains. "It's okay, Namjoon-ah, chill, I'll get it off, chill, baby, please don't freak out.....Joonie, chill..." he chanted as he approached the wolf.

Jeongyeon and Hoseok kept begging him not to go, but he didn't care. His wolf was in extra pain and that was all he could think of. "Oppa, please!!" Jeongyeon cried loudly, but her words fell on deaf ears. 

However, over the loud commotion of Seokjin willingly approaching a transforming wolf, they failed to hear the sound of someone pulling the safety of a gun.

None of them noticed the muzzle of a hunting gun that poked out of the corner of the passageway either.

None except Jeongguk.

Unfortunately, even though Jeongguk was sane enough to notice the gun, he wasn't sane enough to recognize the threat it contained.

He tried to bring Hoseok's attention to it, but he wasn't loud enough for Hoseok to hear him over the commotion of the black wolf growling loudly at Seokjin.

"NAMJOON-AH!! YOU HAVE TO CHILL IF YOU WANT ME TO HELP YOU!!" Seokjin yelled at Namjoon when he kept growling angrily at Seokjin for approaching him when he was going through such pain.

Somehow, the wolf fell under the impression that the chain around his neck was strangling him because of the person in front of him, totally forgetting about the fact that the person in front of him was his imprint.

As a couple of minutes passed and Namjoon's left arm and foot transformed back to a somewhat identifiable form, his neck bones protruded out, working to transform back into a human neck.

He howled loudly with agony as the chains strangled his throat harder because of the sudden change in the bone structure.

At that, Seokjin finally gave up trying to get Namjoon to cool down and jumped onto him instead to help him with the chain around his neck.

He had already figured out the path of the chain. It was a simple turn. He just had to get Namjoon to send his right arm (front limb) through the chain and then he would be free from it.

But things obviously didn't go as hoped and planned. Before any of them could realize what was happening, the black wolf shook its body vigorously and threw Seokjin off its back, and then pounced on him.

The next second, a loud, agonized scream filled the basement. 

"NO!!" Hoseok and Jeongyeon yelled and ran to shove the wolf away from Seokjin. Jeongguk, who had passed out by then, woke up because of Seokjin's scream.

Before the wolf could react to being shoved, they dragged Seokjin away from the wolves. 

Seokjin couldn't stop screaming. He was almost delirious with the pain coursing through his veins. 

Through Seokjin's agonized screams and the wolves' final howls and growls, a loud bang echoed against the walls of the basement, making every single person including the wolves in the room flinch. 

"THE GUN!!" Jeongguk yelled, suddenly remembering the gun that he had seen when he was half-conscious. 

Hoseok and Jeongyeon ran to where they had heard the sound of the gun and found two figures climbing the ladder up hurriedly. 

They ran to them, pulled them down harshly, and jumped onto them, trying their best to hold them down. The two hunters fought back the best they could, but the fall from the ladder had handicapped their abilities to fight back a little. 

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