17. Imprinting ritual

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"Because Taehyung imprinted on you."

The silence that followed those words was louder than bombs. Strangely, the rest of the wolves stopped howling and growling as well. 

The only thing Jeongguk read and knew about werewolves was that they turn into proper wolves every full moon night. But imprinting on someone? He didn't know what that was. But judging by Jeongyeon and Hoseok's astonished and excited reactions, he supposed it was something good. 

Then why on earth was Seokjin freaking out? He didn't understand that either. 

He turned to the wolves once again and noticed something strange. Not only did they stop howling, but they also stopped struggling against their chains. 

Jeongguk's eyes widened when the black wolf suddenly raised its head and let out a long howl. Somehow, this howl sounded less painful and more happy. 

Following the black wolf, the other three wolves howled as well. It sounded as if they were celebrating something. Taehyung's eyes turned back to golden, but the wolves didn't stop their little party. 

Once they were done howling, the black wolf, the white wolf and the creamy brown wolf turned to face Taehyung and bowed down to him on all fours. Taehyung turned to them and did the same thing. 

"This never gets old" Hoseok said in a haze as the other three watched the ritual of the wolves with amazed eyes. 

Seokjin no longer looked freaked out. If the ritual was happening, it meant that the Alpha accepted Taehyung's imprint. Thus, he didn't have to worry anymore. 

Once the wolves were done bowing to each other, all of them got up together and turned towards Jeongguk. Collectively, they bent down on all fours once again and bowed down to him. 

Jeongguk could hear the other three squeal from the sidelines, but he could do nothing but take a step back in shock and horror. Why the hell were they bowing to him? What the hell was happening? 

"W-Wh-What? S-Stop that" Jeongguk told the wolves, as if they were going to understand his words. Seokjin and Hoseok snorted while Jeongyeon squealed once again. "Oppa, tell him to go" she said, pointing at Jeongguk and then at Taehyung. 

"Yeah, let them finish their pack thing first" Seokjin said and waited for the wolves to get back up before tapping Jeongguk's shoulder. 

Poor Jeongguk, who was completely spooked up by then, flinched violently at that and yelped pitifully with his eyes bulging out of their sockets. 

"Chill, chill, it is just me" Seokjin said and chuckled. "You wanna try approaching Taehyung?" he asked. "What?! No! Of course not!!" Jeongguk exclaimed loudly, wondering why Seokjin even suggested such an unbelievably horrifying thing. 

"Hmm, alright. He won't harm you at all, though. He would never ever harm you at any cost" Seokjin said. 

"Of course" Jeongguk said with his hand on his hip and his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"It's different now, Jeongguk. He really won't harm you anymore. Believe me when I say he will even kill a puppy if he thinks it might bite you" Hoseok said. Even though he never experienced it himself, he knew the power of imprinting from watching Namjoon and Jimin. 

"That's horrible!!" Jeongguk exclaimed incredulously, his voice going hoarse. 

"I know! I just used it as an example to show you the extents he would go to to protect you from harm. He of all people is never gonna harm you ever again. You can approach him without hesitation" Hoseok said. 

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