18. Back to humans

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Jeongguk woke up to a loud ringing from a phone on a table a few meters away from him. 

It took really long time for his brain to register the chaos that ensued right away. It took some more time for him to realize that Seokjin was shaking his shoulder violently, asking him to get out of Taehyung's grip immediately. 

"Wh-What's happening?" he asked groggily, still trying to keep his eyes open. "It's almost dawn. They are gonna turn back to humans. It's best if we stay away from them now" Seokjin explained and dragged Jeongguk away from Taehyung. 

The brown wolf whined immediately and began to scratch the ground with its paw once again, wanting nothing more than to cuddle its imprint and go back to sleep peacefully, but Seokjin knew that was dangerous. 

"You can leave now if you want. It is really a painful thing to watch" Hoseok said. "Ohh? But you guys are gonna stay?" Jeongguk asked. "Of course" Jeongyeon said. "Then I'll stay too" Jeongguk said and sat down against the wall, at a safe distance from the wolves, where they could never reach them with the strong iron chains tied to their bodies. 

"Brace yourself for Namjoon's anger, though. You are a part of the pack now, Jeongguk. He is your leader too. He is not gonna go easy on you anymore" Seokjin said. 

"Ohh? I'm a part of the pack? That means I'm finally a part of the Psychs?" Jeongguk asked, ignoring the rest of the warning. 

Seokjin rolled his eyes and heaved a huge sigh. "Yeah. You were gonna become a part of it soon anyway, but you are now a part of it because Taehyung imprinted on you" he said. 

"Ooooooh, nice. So does that mean you are not gonna hide things from me anymore?" Jeongguk asked. 

Every human in the room felt a pang at that. "Yeah" Seokjin whispered guiltily. "Good. That's enough. I can face Namjoon hyung's wrath, then" Jeongguk said, making the rest of them sigh again. 

The telltale sounds of small growls started around twenty minutes later. The growls soon turned into loud howls and this time, the howls sounded less happy and more painful. As if the world was coming to an end. 

Jeongguk watched in horror as the wolves' bodies twisted painfully, as each bone in their body twisted, almost breaking in the process. The painful howls that filled the basement weren't helping either. 

Jeongguk snapped his head to his side when he heard a loud sob and looked at Jeongyeon just in time to see her bury her tear-filled face into her hands. "This never gets easy to watch" she cried. 

Jeongguk's stomach clenched painfully at that and he turned around to stare at Taehyung once again. His stomach clenched further when all the fluffy hair on his body started to disappear and traces of 'human-ness' started to appear. 

The more the 'human-ness' started to appear, the harder the wolves howled and the harder Jeongguk's stomach and heart clenched. 

All this time, while Jeongguk kept accusing Taehyung of taking drugs, he was secretly going through a pain that he couldn't even begin to imagine. 

None of the wolves were on their legs anymore. As more parts of their bodies started turning human, they found themselves collapsed on the floor with their limbs splayed around them. 

Tears made their way to Jeongguk's eyes as fingers started protruding out of the wolves' front limbs. 

He watched as Taehyung tried to grip the floor with his fingers to ease the pain a little, but it was no where enough to reduce the pain of his body transforming back from a wolf to that of a human. 

After an agonizingly long hour, the wolves finally turned human, but remained passed out on the floor with their naked bodies still tied to the iron chains and shackles. 

Seokjin unlocked the shackles and chains binding Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung and then walked towards the table in the room and picked up their clothes. He passed each of their clothes to their partners and asked them to dress them up in the mean time. 

"Who did this for Taehyung all the other times?" Jeongguk asked as he put Taehyung's pants on gently. 

"Me" Hoseok said. "This is the second time he turned into a wolf, though. The other times, we just had to tie him to that chair" he said, pointing to an iron chair in the corner of the basement. 

"Ohh" Jeongguk said and remembered the two times when he had to do the same thing. "Why so?" he asked. 

"It's just a part of transformation after you body matures. Every month you transform a little more and around fourth month or so, your body transforms completely" Seokjin explained. 

"Ohh" Jeongguk finished dressing Taehyung up and quickly scooted towards his head. He gently lifted his head and placed it on his lap and ran his fingers through his sweat-filled hair comfortingly, not wanting him to go through any kind of pain anymore. 

"So the day when he hurt me.....that was when he turned into a wolf for the first time?" he asked. 

"Yeah" Jeongyeon said. 

"I know that it shouldn't be used as a justification for his actions, but it is hard to control their mind for a few weeks after they turn into a wolf for the first time. You know, his mind was going through a lot and you were out there, saying you were going to report him for taking drugs and all, so his mind couldn't control it anymore" Hoseok explained. 

Jeongguk couldn't recall a time in his life when he felt more guiltier. His best friend was going through the pain of his life and here he was, feeling bad that he was keeping things from him. Instead of being there for him, he was adding more burden to him. 

"You should have just told me everything. I wouldn't have gone on and on about him taking drugs, then. I'm gonna join the pack anyway, right? You should have just told me" he said. 

"I don't know why Namjoon wanted us to hide it. You have to wait for him to tell you that. Lemme just warn you...Namjoon's rage is really hard to bear" Seokjin said. 

"Ohh," Jeongguk mumbled, "I'll try to deal with it."

"Best of luck, Gguk. Seriously, best of luck" Jeongyeon said with concern shining in her eyes. She was no stranger to their Alpha's wrath either.  

Jeongguk heaved a huge sigh and looked down at Taehyung, who was slowly starting to stir. He immediately looked up and realized that the others were starting to stir as well. 

Soon, all the werewolves woke up and anxiety was slowly beginning to catch up to Jeongguk. What if Namjoon killed him? What if he refused to accept him into the pack? 

As if the room wasn't silent already, it suddenly became deadly silent and he could feel all pairs of eyes on him. 

'Holy shit' he cursed internally and slowly willed himself to look up at those red eyes that were glowing right at him. 

Wait, red eyes?

'Oh, shit, I fucked up' he cursed again. He didn't think they could have those glowing eyes even in their human forms and those glowing eyes were really terrifying the fuck out of him. 

"Hyung, I-"

Before he could even come up with an explanation of any sort, Taehyung scrambled to kneel in front of him with his back facing him and with his arms outstretched defensively. 

"You can't harm him" he growled at Namjoon. 

Jeongguk looked taken aback for a second. Like, what the hell just happened? 

It took time for him to slowly realize the extent to which Taehyung would protect him from 'harm', now that he imprinted on him. 

His lips slowly curled up to a smile, but the smile fell the second he noticed Namjoon's glare set on him despite Taehyung's protection. 

'Looks like I fucked up really bad. God, save me!' he thought. 

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