35. Heartbreak

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Jeongguk took a deep breath for the nineteenth time that night, but no words came out after that. 

Dahyun wanted to ask him if he was fine, but she was still mad about how he had canceled on her at the last moment. Thus, she couldn't find it in her to make the first move. 

The two of them were sitting on a bench on the campus and it was way past nine in the night. When Jeongguk first texted her and asked her to meet him, she thought he was calling her to his room. Maybe they would apologize to each other over sex and get over the small argument. 

But the next text from him was, 'at the benches near the cafeteria'. 

It disappointed her. She knew she was being childish about it, but it really hurt her ego. He had raised her hopes for almost a month before canceling at the last moment. He didn't even tell her what he was busy with. Just busy. 

Jeongguk took another deep breath and looked away from her. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the words that he was next going to utter. 

"I loved the time I spent with you, Dahyun.......and I would never forget you ever in my life....but..." he bit his lips hard and took another deep breath, "....I don't think we can be together anymore.....I ju-"

"Are you breaking up with me?" Dahyun asked abruptly. 

Jeongguk whipped his head towards her and found her staring straight in front of her with emotionless eyes. He swallowed hard and nodded his head. "Yes," he whispered. 

His eyes refused to leave her face while she kept staring straight ahead of her. He could see her throat move up and down from how hard she swallowed her rising lump. 

She whipped her head away from him, but he could still see her nostrils flaring as she struggled not to break down in front of him. 

"Okay. Fine. Goodbye. It was nice meeting you" she managed to say before getting up from the bench. 

"Dahyun...." Jeongguk called out, but she neither stopped nor turned around. He could see her raise her arms to wipe her tears from where he sat and it killed him to hurt her that way. He took another deep breath and bent forward and buried his face into his hands. 

About ten minutes later, a pair of heeled feet stopped in front of him. "Lemme ask you one thing."

He whipped his head up at that voice. 

"Did you develop feelings for someone else?" Dahyun asked with a poker face and voice. 

Jeongguk nodded guiltily. 

"Is it Taehyung oppa?" 

Jeongguk nodded again, this time a little slowly. 

Dahyun scoffed and rolled her eyes as if she proved something to herself. "I hope you have a good time with him," she said through her teeth and left before he could get a single word out of his mouth. 

With a heavy heart, he got up from the bench as well and walked towards his dorm slowly. 

When he opened the door and entered the room, Taehyung looked up from his bed and locked eyes with him. 

"Come here," Taehyung whispered and scooted to the corner of his bed. Jeongguk took his shirt off and joined him immediately. He didn't have to tell him about what happened. It was as if he and Taehyung shared a mind link of their own. 

"Was she too sad?" Taehyung asked as he ran his fingers through Jeongguk's hair. "I think I pissed her off too," Jeongguk said and Taehyung was sure he heard his voice break. 

"It will be fine. Everything will be fine," Taehyung said and snuggled Jeongguk closer to him. Jeongguk, however, pulled away from his chest and connected their lips instead. 

Even though Taehyung knew that this kiss came more from the sadness of the breakup than from Jeongguk's feelings for him, he kissed him back willingly. Sadness or not, a kiss was a kiss after all. 

His hand traveled down Jeongguk's chest unconsciously, but when his hand reached the waistband, Jeongguk shot his hand out to stop him. 

"Not now, hyung," he said against his lips. "Okay," Taehyung said and grabbed Jeongguk's shoulders instead. 

He dived his head to Jeongguk's jaw and left a trail of kisses on it. He dived further down and kissed the base of his throat, making him curl his toes and let a moan out. 

Taehyung took the hint and bit the skin over there and licked it. "Oh my god," Jeongguk groaned, making Taehyung smirk. He sucked the skin hard until he had Jeongguk wiggling and moaning his name under him. 

"Feels good, huh?" he asked and trailed his lips all over Jeongguk's neck and chest, trying to find another perfect spot to suck Jeongguk's soul and sanity out. 

"V-Very good" Jeongguk said, but it sounded more like a moan than anything. 

Taehyung looked up and found Jeongguk staring at the ceiling with half-closed, dazed eyes. 

Smirking once again at the mess that he had reduced Jeongguk to with just a single hickey, he dived down once again and trailed his lips over Jeongguk's chest, stopping at the skin right above his left nipple. 

Without warning, he bit the skin over there, almost making Jeongguk scream his name out. Without heeding his moans, he bounced Jeongguk back and forth on the bed as he sucked the skin, making Jeongguk see the stars. 


"Taehyung....." Jeongguk panted as his hands found their way to Taehyung's head. 

Taehyung didn't reply. He wanted Jeongguk begging for him and for that, he knew he would have to ignore his calls for a while. 

He wanted his imprint sobbing under him by the end of the night. He had waited for too long, after all.  

"Taehyuuuuunngggg" Jeongguk moaned out while Taehyung found another spot to bite. Upon receiving no reply, he tried to pull Taehyung's hair, unknowingly turning him on further. 

Once Taehyung was done painting his neck and the upper part of his chest purple, he responded to his moan-like calls.  

"What?" he asked. 

"I-I take my words back," Jeongguk said with his eyes still looking dazed. 

"What words, baby?" Taehyung asked, but he already knew what words Jeongguk was talking about. He trailed his hand down and grabbed Jeongguk's clothed and hard member harshly. 

Jeongguk didn't reply save for a high-pitched, broken moan. 

"Talk, baby. What words?" Taehyung asked while his hand worked on its own, rubbing and squeezing Jeongguk's dick cruelly. 

Jeongguk moaned out again. For a second, he forgot what he was talking about. All he could think of was how Taehyung's hand worked his dick. 

Taehyung squeezed his dick harder. "What words, babe?" he asked through his teeth. 

"I-I want you. N-Nowwww" Jeongguk groaned hard. His eyes looked more glazed than ever, as if Taehyung had managed to drug him somehow. 

"Good boy," Taehyung said and got off his bed to grab a condom and a tube of lubricant from his dresser, leaving a dazed Jeongguk on the bed all by himself. 

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