27. New thoughts

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My dear little goose baby : *breathes*
Me : Here, take a bonus <333


Jeongguk took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door. Before he could even bring his fist down, the door swung open violently. 

"Jeongguk..." Taehyung looked as desperate and devastated as a man could ever look. 

Jeongguk had come back to his room with the intention of sorting things out with Taehyung once and for all, but one look at Taehyung told him that it was going to be a very long, and very heartbreaking talk. 

Thus, he simply hung his head and pushed past Taehyung and walked into the room. Taehyung sighed heavily and closed the door and turned around, only to find Jeongguk lying down on the corner of his bed, making enough space for two men to squeeze in. 

With a small flicker of hope, Taehyung got onto his bed and after a huge internal debate, he wrapped his arm around Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk immediately placed his own arm on the arm around his waist and squeezed it tight. 

At that very second, Taehyung suddenly found it hard to ground himself. Jeongguk wasn't mad at him for what he had done. Maybe all the crying earlier was just from the shock of being kissed by his best friend. 

Honestly, when he had first heard Namjoon's voice in his head, an angry one that demanded an explanation from him, he hesitated for a couple of seconds. 

He didn't want to turn his eyes yellow and complete the link. He didn't want to reply. He didn't know what to reply. But at the end, he did end up turning his eyes yellow and replying to Namjoon. 

He thought Namjoon would scold him for what he had done, but he was once again proven wrong when Namjoon just sighed sadly and said he totally understood Taehyung's situation and that he probably would have done worse if his own imprint kept rejecting him continuously. 

Even though his words did provide a slight comfort to him, he couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen next. What if this incident pushed Jeongguk away from him? What if it made him closer to Dahyun? What would he do then? 

'Taehyung, Jeongguk's coming back to your room. Don't fuck it up this time' he suddenly heard in his mind and his eyes widened out of shock. He didn't expect Jeongguk to return to the room that night. 

He immediately turned his own eyes yellow and said, 'Okay, hyung. Thank you,' and scrambled towards the door just as he heard a gentle knock on it. 

"Gguk, I am really sorry" he whispered again with his bare chest pressed against Jeongguk's clothed back, but Jeongguk was too deep in his thoughts to even register his words. 

Love that is that pure is rare to find, Gguk. It comes from the animal heart in us. The heart that knows nothing but pure and innocent love. The heart that's made of no impurity.

Those words kept running in his mind continuously without a break. He didn't know if he could classify Taehyung's forced kiss as an impurity or if that came under pure love as well. 

Maybe by pure love, Namjoon meant that Taehyung would never ever let go of him or cheat on him or hurt him and would love him no matter what. 

Maybe by pure love, Namjoon didn't mean that Taehyung would never use force to get what he loved. Well, then again, wasn't that what animals did? Fight for what they wanted? 

He couldn't believe that there was someone in this world who loved him to that extent. Then again, maybe that's what imprinting does to a werewolf. Makes them crazy. Crazy in love. 

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