28. First sign

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Two more weeks passed by and neither of them ever brought the kiss up ever again. It was as if the incident had never happened. 

Jeongguk had spent the entire next day with Dahyun, not knowing how to confront Taehyung after his confession about his hoodies. 

"Is something bothering you, babe?" Dahyun asked with her ice cream cone frozen half way into her mouth. 

"Huh?" Jeongguk shook his head to get out of his thoughts and concentrate on his girlfriend. "No, nothing is wrong" he said and smiled tightly, but his mind was still ablaze. 

Not a day had passed without him imagining Taehyung jerking off with his hoodies on ever since the latter had confessed to it. Not a day had passed without him thinking of the words that Namjoon had said. 

Love that is that pure is rare to find, Gguk. It comes from the animal heart in us. The heart that knows nothing but pure and innocent love. The heart that's made of no impurity. So no matter what, do not forget that at the end of the day, he is going to be there for you with open arms. 

Not a day had passed without him thinking of how true those words were. Without him thinking of how his best friend had always been there for him and how he knew that he would always be there for him even in the future. 

He looked at Dahyun. He knew she was going to leave him soon. He was going to transform anyway and she was going to get scared of him just like Jihyo did. 

A small corner of him hoped she would still stay like Seokjin and Jeongyeon did, but another small corner of him already anticipated the coming change. What would it be like to be single again? What it would be like to be with Ta-

He crushed the thought again before it could complete itself. This was something else that had been bothering him ever since it first popped up. Would it be that bad to give Taehyung a chance when he loved him that deeply? 

Love that is that pure is rare to find, Gguk. It comes from the animal heart in us. The heart that knows nothing but pure and innoce-

"-gguk??? BABE!!!" 

"Ahh, yeah, sorry, umm, how's the ice cream?" he asked Dahyun awkwardly. 

"Wonderful, of course. Something's wro-" she got cut off by a loud hiss from Jeongguk. 

"What, what's wrong?!" she asked worriedly as she watched her boyfriend's ice cream slip out of his hand and fall to the floor. 

Jeongguk yanked the bracelet off his hand and stuffed it into his pocket before rubbing his wrist gently. 

"What happened?!?!" Dahyun asked, her voice going a few octaves high due to anxiety. She grabbed the wrist that Jeongguk had been rubbing and gasped softly when she noticed the small burn on it. 

"N-Nothing. Hyung and I went home again last Sunday and I burnt my hand back then. I guess that's just acting up again" Jeongguk said and smiled at her. 

"Ohh. You should be careful!!" Dahyun hit him on the shoulder before grabbing his other wrist. "Let's go to my room. I will put some ointment on it." 

"No, no, it's okay. It's getting dark, anyway. I'll go to my dorm. Hyung and I have somewhere to go" Jeongguk said. 

"Ohh? Okay. Put some ointment to that burn, okay? And don't strain your wrist too much" she said. 

"Yeah, okay. Bye, baby" Jeongguk said and kissed her deeply before going back to his dorm, only to find a small note on the mini-refrigerator. 

'See you at Jimin's house. I'm going early. - TH'

He sighed and applied an ointment to his wrist. He wrapped his hand with a handkerchief before reaching into his pocket for the bracelet. 

While holding the normal metal part with his left hand, he pulled the silver charm out with his clothed right hand and threw it into the trash without a second thought. 

'That darned thing' he thought, remembering how hard the metal burnt his wrist. 'Looks like it's time. Why am I not getting angry like Tae hyung did, though?' he questioned as he locked the room and walked towards Jimin's house. 

'Maybe not everyone gets mad' he thought and picked the flowerpot up for the key. Seeing as it was already past six, he realized that the members must already have been getting ready for the night. 

He silently put the key back at its place and locked the door from inside before walking towards the mantelpiece. He pushed it aside and got down the ladder. 

Once he rounded the corner of the passageway, he noticed how the pack members were busy taking their clothes off. 

"Jimin-ah, go and close the basement and get back" Namjoon said as Seokjin proceeded to tie his chains and lock the shackles. 

"Yep" Jimin said and before Jeongguk knew it, Jimin was back from closing the basement. 

'That was fast' he thought and walked towards Taehyung, who was also standing naked next to his set of chains. 

Jeongguk took a deep breath and made sure his eyes stayed fixed on Taehyung's face, but without his own realization, his eyes jumped down to the part that was attracting his attention. 

"Eyes up here, baby" Taehyung's voice brought him out of his trance and made him jump. 

"Aren't you feeling shy to stand naked like this?" he asked. "Shy?" Taehyung scoffed, "there are many more things I am worrying about right now and being naked for an hour in front of you all before I turn into a wolf isn't the biggest of them" he said. 

"Ohh? Like what?" Jeongguk asked. 

"One - obviously the coming pain. The pain's horrible, like I can't even describe it. Two - I don't wanna hurt you while transforming forth or back" Taehyung said. 

"Ohh. Hmm. You won't hurt me, don't worry" Jeongguk said and moved aside to let Seokjin tie Taehyung's chains and shackles around him. 

"Don't think about me, okay? I'll be there for you right here" he said and patted Taehyung's heavily bearded cheek. 

"Okay, guys. Back off now" Seokjin said and backed off from Namjoon. Jeongyeon and Hoseok backed off as well and walked backwards until their backs hit the walls. Jeongguk did the same thing and the four of them gave their chained partners an assuring smile. 

"It will be fine" Jeongguk mouthed at Taehyung and showed him a thumbs up. 

"I hope so" Taehyung mouthed back at him and took a deep breath, only for the breath to come out as a small growl. 

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