21. The History

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"Ever heard of the word lycanthropy?" Namjoon asked. 

"The study of wolves and werewolves, right?" Jeongguk asked. 

"Not exactly. People use the word for that as well, but lycanthropy literally means the turning of a man from a human body to a wolf bo-"

"Why just a man? A woman can turn too," Jeongyeon said defensively, but chuckled and said, "Sorry, oppa, sorry, you continue," when Namjoon threw her a dirty look. 

"Right, so our history starts with a cruel, crazy King named Lycaon insulting Lord Zeus by trying to feed him human meat. You know Zeus, rig-"

"Wait, wait, wait....why didn't you tell me all of these stuff when you took a class for me?" Taehyung asked. 

"I was waiting for Jeongguk. Thought I'll tell it to both of you together" Namjoon said. "Ohh, okay, continue" Taehyung said and grinned sheepishly when he received a dirty look as well for interrupting Namjoon. 

"Hmm, so Zeus, the King of all gods, got hella angry and turned Lycaon and all of his sons into wolves. After a few days, he felt bad because Lycaon's sons didn't do anything wrong. So he turned them back to humans. 

But once a curse, always a curse, right? So the sons had to keep turning into wolves every full moon night. But because they were paying a huge price for something they never did, Zeus gifted them with superhuman strength and enhanced senses. 

The children of those semi-wolves, also known as werewolves, were also born with the same curse. It was then that they realized that Zeus had cursed not only Lycaon and his sons, but the entire blood. 

Over time, their sons and grandsons and great grandsons spread out to different parts of the world and that was how werewolves spread out across the world. We are all distant descendants of Lycaon. 

In other words, all the werewolves in this world are very distantly related to each other. Which is why, we always treat each other as a family and look out for everyone. 

We never, ever kill each other. It's always the hunters that kill us. As time passed and technology grew, the hunters became more and more skilled in finding and killing us. Thus, werewolves became almost extinct. 

BUT!! Even though being a werewolf is basically a curse with benefits, and even though we are all living a cursed life, we are still living and thus we don't take their killings lightly. 

Our life is still a life, but they don't see it as that. They just see us as cursed beings that don't deserve to live. Just like we pass werewolf blood to our children, they pass hunter blood to theirs. 

Jeongguk and Taehyung, your parents and your godfather did not die in freak accidents. They were killed by hunters. And Jeongguk, your dad was an Alpha. Your parents, Taehyung's parents, my father and Jimin's parents and Park Bogum-ssi were a part of your dad's pack. 

After the hunters killed more than half of the pack, Jimin's father became the Alpha of the pack because he relieved your dad's pain by killing him in the end. 

That's one of the ways to become an Alpha. You either kill the Alpha of your own pack and then become the pack's new Alpha, or you bite a human and form a new pack. I became an Alpha after biting a human" Namjoon said with a sad smile. 

"Who did you bite?" Taehyung asked. 

"Yoongi hyung. We were really close friends and he was looking out for me just like Jeongguk did. He came in the wrong time and there was no human in the room to stop him and I was still a new wolf and we were still in the process of transforming that night, so he tried to free me from the shackles and ended up getting bitten by me in the process" Namjoon said. 

He still felt ashamed for what he had done. He knew very well that it wasn't actually his mistake, but the guilt still ate him alive. 

"Ohh? Why were there no humans in the room?" Jeongguk asked. 

"When I joined the pack, there were only five of us. Jimin's parents, his uncle, my father and I. Jimin's parents had imprinted on each other and his uncle still hadn't found his imprint. My mom used to stay with us every time, but my younger brother was sick that night, so she had to stay back to take care of him. She just came in, tied us in our shackles and left that night. I didn't meet Seokjin hyung at that time, so I didn't imprint either. So there were no humans in the room" Namjoon explained. 

"Woah. So after that, you and Yoongi hyung formed a new pack??" Taehyung asked. 

"Yeah. They used to use this basement, but Namjoon has no where else to go because he was studying here, so Jimin's parents started using their old hideout instead and gave us this basement" Yoongi said. 

"Where's that?" 

"In Jeongguk's house. His father was the Alpha, remember? There's a basement in his house. There's one in your house too, Taehyung" Namjoon said. 

"What?! How?! We never..."

"Did you ever move the mantelpiece aside?" Jimin asked. 


"The basement's under it. That's the universal basement entrance for werewolves," Jimin said, "so that even if we end up staying in some other werewolf's house for a full moon night, we wouldn't have to worry about searching for the basement."

"Ooooooh, that's cool" Jeongguk said. 

"How many more packs are there in our country?" Taehyung asked. 

"Three more. We aren't close with them, but remember, no matter which pack they belong to, we should help a werewolf in need, because we are all together a huge family. We should never let an Omega remain as an Omega. Like I said, Omegas are easy to kill because they don't have a pack backing them up. So if you ever find an Omega, bring them to an Alpha, is that clear?" 

"Yes" Jeongguk and Taehyung nodded. 

"You guys wanna go and have breakfast now?" Yoongi suddenly asked. 

"Why? The class is done already?" Jeongguk asked. 

"No, we barely started. Things are gonna go deeper now, so it is better if we finish eating first" Jimin said. 

"Ohh. Let's go, then" Jeongguk said and got up. He had 1584 more questions, but he guessed he would have to wait to get them cleared. Food was important, after all. 

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