25. Animal heart

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Jeongguk could feel the stares burning his skin. He could feel it everywhere he walked. He didn't know what happened, but he was sure the people around him were staring at him like he was walking upside down. 

It was when he walked out of his last class before lunch that he noticed Namjoon standing outside his class with a worried expression. 

He adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder and walked up to him immediately. "Is everything alright, hyung?" he asked. 

"I came to ask you that. What's wrong? What's happening between you and Dae Shin Sunbae?" Namjoon asked. 

"W-Why??" Jeongguk asked. 'How the hell did he come to know about that??' he thought as he looked around him. Did the whole department find out about the senior trailing him? Was that what the stares were about? 

"I heard from one of my classmates that a freshman from the Arts department threatened Dae Shin Sunbae and asked him to stay away from you yesterday in the afternoon" Namjoon said. 

"What?!" Jeongguk whispered with widened eyes. He did not expect that. Well, he knew who the 'freshman' was. There was no other freshman he knew from the arts department other than his own best friend. 

"Let's go away from the crowd and talk" Namjoon whispered and wrapped his arm around Jeongguk's shoulder and steered him away from the crowd that had gathered at a distance slightly away from them to see what the leader of the Psychs was doing on their floor. 

"It's Tae, right? He came to warn Dae Shin Sunbae to stay away from you, right? Is something wrong? Is that Sunbae troubling you or something?" Namjoon asked once they reached a secluded place. 

"Umm, nothing, hyung. It's okay, don't worry about that. I actually asked Tae hyung to leave him alone too, but he obviously didn't listen to me" Jeongguk said, but somehow, he didn't feel bitter about it. If anything, he felt happy. And maybe a little proud as well. 

"Of course he won't leave it alone! Didn't I tell you that our imprint becomes our center of existence? They become the reason we live, Gguk. They become our everything. How can we live our lives when our world is in trouble? Our world being our imprints" Namjoon said. 

"I get it, hyung. I am not mad at him. I am kinda happy that he did it? I just didn't want him to worry" Jeongguk said. 

"Ohh? What actually happened?" Namjoon asked. 

"That Sunbae kept asking me out all the time even after I told him that I was straight and had a girlfriend. He somehow got hold of my number and even tried to kiss me the day before yesterday. I told Tae hyung about it, but I told him not to do anything cause I thought he had a lot in his plate" Jeongguk explained. 

"Ohh" Namjoon said and took a deep breath before placing his hands on Jeongguk's shoulders. "Remember one thing, Jeongguk. Whether you love him back or not is not gonna stop him from being there for you. Remember that very well. No matter who lets you down in your life, he is never gonna do that. He is always gonna be there for you. 

Love that's that pure is rare to find, Gguk. It comes from the animal heart in us. The heart that knows nothing but pure and innocent love. The heart that's made of no impurity. So no matter what, do not forget that at the end of the day, he is going to be there for you with open arms. 

Try not to hide things from him. It will just end up hurting both of you. Not just because you are his imprint, but also because you both have been through a lot in your life together. You gotta be there for each other no matter what. And please don't bring my test up. I know I made a mistake by trying to test you two that way. 

Also, as wolves, we are a pack. A family. Don't forget that either, Gguk. I know you aren't a part of the pack yet, but you are gonna be a part of it soon. So remember that we are never ever gonna be too busy for another member of the pack. Just come and tell us if something is bothering you. We will do the same too. We are brothers, Jeongguk. We are brothers now" Namjoon said. 


"Except your imprint, of course" Namjoon said with an eye roll, making Jeongguk chuckle. 

"Thank god" Jeongguk said and chuckled as well. "I will keep that in mind, hyung. Thank you" he grinned at Namjoon, "and I am sorry for not telling you about it."

"No, no, don't say sorry. I know you did it because you didn't want to burden us. Just remember that our pack members are never gonna be a burden to each other no matter what. You will understand what I mean better when you feel the pack connection running in your veins. Until then, just keep it in your mind" Namjoon said. 

"Okay, hyung" Jeongguk said with the grin still present on his face. 

Namjoon smiled back at him and gave his shoulders a light pat, but poor Jeongguk ended up stumbling to the floor. 

"Oh, shit, I am sorry, I wasn't thinking, I am so sorry" Namjoon said and bent down to help Jeongguk up, but Jeongguk stuck his leg out at him in a flash, making him trip over it and fall down next to Jeongguk. 

Loud guffaws and laughter soon filled the air as the two laid there without making any attempt to get back up. 

"We are going to our house tonight to get more clothes" Jeongguk said. 

"Uhuh? Good for you. I hope you enjoy the drive" Namjoon said, pretending like he didn't already hear it from Taehyung, just to give Jeongguk the satisfaction of being the first one to tell him about the trip. 

"Hmm, I hope so too" Jeongguk said and slowly got up from the floor. "Let's go and have lunch, hyung. We don't have much time left. Others must have eaten already" he said and held a hand out for Namjoon to take. 

"You sure you can lift me off the ground?" Namjoon asked, grinning as he held Jeongguk's hand. 

"I can try" Jeongguk shrugged with a chuckle. 

"Go ahead" Namjoon said and proceeded to laugh his ass out as he watched Jeongguk try different methods to get him off the floor. 

After a while, Jeongguk gave up and let go of Namjoon's hand harshly. "Are you sure you are just a wolf? You weighed like an elephant just now" he said with his lips pursed outward while his hands worked to wipe the little sweat beads on his forehead. 

Namjoon guffawed once again. "I don't weigh like an elephant, Gguk. I am just that strong" he said and winked at Jeongguk playfully before getting off the floor himself. 

"Let's go now" he said and dusted his pants off before throwing his arm around Jeongguk's shoulders, making him stumble forward once again. 

"HYUNG!!! You did this on purpose didn't you?!!" Jeongguk asked with a frown as he straightened himself out. 

"What?? Of course not!!" Namjoon exclaimed, but Jeongguk could see the small mischievous grin playing on his lips. 

"Hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuung" he whined with a pout. 

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, let's go now" Namjoon said with another chuckle and threw his arm around Jeongguk's shoulders once again, this time making sure he didn't sent him tumbling to the ground with his strength. 


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