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It was a new day as I woke up. I was trying to get up, but the bed kept me as it's prisoner.

"J-Just...a few...more...min-"

I suddenly jumped out of my bed so high, I hit the ceiling, fell back on the bed and bounce off it to the floor.

Kyu: Morning sunshine! I hope you slept well because there's a clams to get of licking.

Stagging back on my feet, I want to kill the Love Fairy who held a air horn.

"50% of the time, I question your existence. The 50%, I want to END IT!"

Kyu: Awww, I love you too.

I got up, wash up and dress in shorts and a tee to match my sneakers. I stepped up my swag a smidge.

Taking a glance at the Huniebee, I had two familiar ladies on the device. Lailani was at the Boardwalk while Ashley was at the Courtyard.

Both ladies are pretty busy with their lives and jobs, I didn't want to bother them. But perhaps, Lani is on break or day off.

Kyu: Alright man. Let's get out there and smash some poon!


Kyu: I can't hear you!



Walking on the beach, I took in the view. The clear beautiful water, the palm trees, the sweet smell in the wind and the annoying, skin coursing sand that gets everywhere.

I can finally check that Anakin Sand quote off my list.

I saw Lailani looking at the ocean and thought she could use some company.

"Who knew you and I had something in common."

Lailani: Nicky, nice to see you here. Who knew we like to look at this lovely water.

"Yeah. It's something about that just takes all the stress away. It must be nice living here."

Lailani: Expensive but yeah.

"You off today?"

Lailani: Yes I am. Just want to enjoy this day.

"Do you mind if I join you? "

It took a few seconds for her to think, but from the smile that appear on her face, it wasn't going to be a no.

Lailani: I wouldn't mind at all.

Lailani Kealoha grew up with strict parents back home that she had enough and moved to the island. 23 Years Old and made it to as a Hotel Clerk and Masseuse, she got time till she becomes Manager.

She looks for the best in a person, won't have ill will to anyone who do her wrong, even an cheating ex. She is like an innocent soul. Good for a girl like her age in a world of sin. Can never find a woman who's Old Fashioned.

Kyu: She's like a younger Beli. Innocent till proven freaky.

Lailani and I spent time on beach and back on the boardwalk. I couldn't get enough those eyes looking at me.

Loser's Guide II: Trouble in Paradise (Huniepop 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now