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Nicky suddenly fell to the ground. His brown eyes stared to the ceiling as a puddle of blood was on the floor from the hole on his forehead.

What we do here is go back...

[Rewinding the tape]

3:45AM-Hours before the Incident

I enter inside, hoping Ashley didn't follow me. I'm a mix bag of emotions. It wasn't at her. It was at myself for being stupid.

She's a model, a rockstar, most importantly, she's fucking attractive. What made me think that she would be with some average boring ass bum like me.

I'm a ball and chain.

To think lightning can strike twice. Foolish!

After putting on my sneakers, I went to the bar. I need a bottle of whatever makes me forget this trip ever happened.

I saw Brooke sitting there alone. At least I'll get rejection sex from this night.

"Hey Brooke. Don't you have to get up in a couple of hours?"

Brooke: Ah, Nicky. Surprised you're up this late. Then again, young people do party this late. I couldn't sleep. So I came here.

"Okay. I wasn't partying. I couldn't sleep either."

Brooke: Need mama to tuck you in?

She does look seductive with those blue eye contacts. But...

"Nah. Not right now."

I ordered a bottle of hard apple cider from the bartender along with another drink of the Plastic Milf's choosing.

???: Room for another?

I turn around to see quite a handsome man asking to sit by my side. I pat down the seat and he sat down.

???: Nice to meet you two. Did I ruin your date?

"Oh. We're not dating. Just friends."

Brooke: Well, that's not what you said-

"Not now!"

???: You're that guy from the internet. Wild Thing.

"Yaaay...a fan...great..."

???: I'm not going to ask for an autograph. You seem bothered already.

Finishing my bottle, I shook my head at the guy, disagreeing with him. I'm not going to tell this stranger my business. But he was wrong.

"I'm not bothered."

???: That's good. But you're probably going to be peeved that I put some curare in your drink...

I went to turn to the weirdo, but I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. The Stranger turn the seat around so I can see him.

Loser's Guide II: Trouble in Paradise (Huniepop 2 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now